Applied Microeconomic Theory

by B. C. Eaton

Published 26 February 2002
Applied Microeconomic Theory presents a seminal collection of the author's influential papers in a number of areas of applied microeconomic theory. This invaluable volume contains a selection of both published and unpublished papers written over a period of thirty years and reveals Curtis Eaton's profound economic insight and ability.

Topics covered include:

  • Strategic market structure. Beginning with Eaton's pioneering 1975 paper on pre-emption by product proliferation in a differentiated oligopoly and ending with his paper - in collaboration with Nicholas Schmitt - on the implications for market structure of flexible manufacturing published in 1995.
  • Efficiency wages, including two of the very earliest papers on the subject written in collaboration with William White.
  • Theory of price in both labour and output markets.
  • Collusive behavior, including a number of important papers written in collaboration with Mukesh Eswaran.

On the Foundations of Monopolistic Competition and Economic Geography presents important work by B. Curtis Eaton and Richard G. Lipsey on product differentiation, including studies of spatial differentiation and the industrial structures that give rise to this phenomenon.

The book opens with an introductory overview essay and explains why the authors reject the neoclassical, competitive vision of the economy. The essays included cover issues such as: the theory of multinational plant location, product differentiation, monopoly, models of value theory, capital with special reference to entry and exit barriers and entry equilibrium, the existence of pure profit and the theory of market pre-emption.

This volume will be welcomed by academics and researchers interested in the microeconomic issues of competition, monopoly, firm behaviour and markets.

Microeconomics, Growth and Political Economy is the first of two volumes which collect together many of Professor Lipsey's writings on economics, some of which are previously unpublished or currently inaccessible. This book contains papers on economic growth and technical change, monetary and value theory, the theory of second best, international trade theory, political economy and methodology. A separate book, On the Foundations of Monopolistic Competition and Economic Geography, contains works on oligopoly and location theory, all coauthored with Curtis Eaton.

The book begins with a new autobiographical introduction to the intellectual development, personal achievements and the fields of interest of Richard G. Lipsey and is divided into five parts. The first part considers various aspects of economic growth and technical change taking into account the structuralist view, markets and the globalization of the economy. Part two is concerned with the microeconomic issues of second-best theory and monetary and value theory. The third part looks at trade theory and surveys customs unions and competitiveness. Political economy is considered in the fourth part, which contains essays on topics such as the balance of payments, the survival of the market economy, international liquidity theory and American trade policy. The final part features papers on methodology.

Microeconomics, Growth and Political Economy is an essential reference companion to the work of Richard G. Lipsey, one of the most important economists of our generation.

Macroeconomic Theory and Policy is the second collection of Richard G. Lipsey's essays and contains material that has previously remained unpublished or has not been widely available. The book considers the macroeconomic issues of unemployment, inflation and policies to combat inflation, the Keynesian macroeconomy and supply side economics.

The book begins with a new autobiographical introduction to the intellectual development, personal achievements and the fields of interest of Richard G. Lipsey and is then divided into five parts. Part one considers the Phillips Curve, wage rates and profits. The second part discusses the various theories of the causes of inflation and explores issues such as the depreciation of money, monetarism and cost-push versus demand-pull inflation. Part three looks at anti-inflation policies, focusing on incomes policies, credit and monetary policy and wage-price controls among other issues. Keynesian macroeconomics is evaluated in the fourth section, as well as inflation and the national income model. The final part considers supply-side economics.

Macroeconomic Theory and Policy is an essential reference companion to the work of Richard G. Lipsey, one of the most important economists of our generation.