International Forensic Science and Investigation
1 total work
Bitemark Evidence
Published 1 November 2004
The first stand-alone textbook on the subject, this illuminating reference compiles the expertise and recommendations of a team of 21 eminent specialists from the disciplines of forensic odontology, DNA analysis, pathology, and jurisprudence. It is generously illustrated with more than 543 black and white photographs and 32 full-color pages that serve to illustrate the many facets of bitemark recognition, diagnosis, handling, excision, lifting, transillumination, storage, preservation, transportation, analysis, and comparison.
Thirty comprehensive chapters illustrate animal and human bitemarks on the living, the deceased, and on objects-incorporating sections on the history of bitemark evidence, salivary DNA, genotypic comparison of oral bacteria, legal and courtroom implications, and expert witness liability.
Thirty comprehensive chapters illustrate animal and human bitemarks on the living, the deceased, and on objects-incorporating sections on the history of bitemark evidence, salivary DNA, genotypic comparison of oral bacteria, legal and courtroom implications, and expert witness liability.