Book 1

This book is a collection of papers on a fundamentally new concept in physics — the photon's magnetic field, Bπ. It discusses various applications of Bπ to predict the existence of new magneto-optic phenomena and to reinterpret some of the fundamentals of optics in terms of Bπ of the photon. One of these new phenomena, optical NMR spectroscopy, has already been verified experimentally, leading to a new analytical technique of widespread potential utility.

Book 4

This first volume of this two-volume set deals with the important recent discovery of the photomagneton of electromagnetic radiation, a discovery which is fundamental in quantum field theory and in quantum mechanics in matter. The photomagneton is the elementary quantum of magnetic flux density carried by the individual photon in free space, and is generated directly by the intrinsic angular momentum of the free photon. The volume develops the theory of the photomagneton in a series of papers, which cover all the major aspects of the theory, from classical electrodynamics to the relativistic quantum field. Several suggestions are given for experimental tests, and the available experimental evidence is discussed in detail. The overall conclusion of the series of papers is that the photomagneton, which is observable experimentally in magneto-optical phenomena, indicates the presence in free space of a novel, longitudinal, magnetic flux density, linked ineluctably to the usual transverse components. If the photomagneton is not observed, then a paradox would have emerged at the most fundamental electrodynamical level, necessitating a modification of the Maxwell equations themselves.

Book 5

This book provides a comprehensive account, from first principles, of the methods of numerical quantum mechanics, beginning with formulations and fundamental postulates. The development continues with that of the Hamiltonian and angular momentum operators, and with methods of approximating the solutions of the Schroedinger equation with variational and perturbation methods.Chapter 3 is a description of the Hartree-Fock self-consistent field method, which is developed systematically for atoms. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation is introduced, and the numerical methods presented one by one thereafter in a logically consistent way that should be accessible to undergraduates. These include LCAO, Hartree-Fock-SCF method for molecules, Roothaan LCAO-MO-SCF method, and electron correlation energy.Chapter 4 is devoted to the more sophisticated computational methods in quantum chemistry, with an introduction to topics that include: the zero differential overlap approximation; Huckel MO theory of conjugated molecules; Pariser-Parr-Pople MO method; extended Huckel theory; neglect of differential overlap methods; invariance in space requirements; CNDO; INDO; NDDO; MINDO; MNDO; AM1; MNDO-PM3; SAM1; SINDO1; CNDO/S; PCILO,Xα; and ab initio methods.This is followed by an introduction to Moller-Plesset perturbation theory of many electrons, and coupled perturbed Hartree Fock theory, with a description of the coupled cluster method. Finally Chapter 5 applies these methods to problems of contemporary interest.The book is designed to be a junior/senior level text in computational quantum mechanics, suitable for undergraduates and graduates in chemistry, physics, computer science, and associated disciplines.

Book 8

The topics covered in this book provide a qualitative and sometimes quantitative classic description of the wide-band 0-THz dielectric spectra of polar liquids, molecular libration-rotation (which is the reason for dielectric loss and absorption of electromagnetic waves), simple molecular models differing by the intermolecular-potential profiles, and present a comparison between the theoretical and experimental dependencies and derivation of the main results. A new feature is the application of a number of analytical models to different substances, including strongly absorbing nonassociating liquids, liquid water, water bound by macromolecules, and gas-like liquids. The presentation of the theory in this book is also new. It is based on the dynamic method in which the Brownian reorientations are considered implicitly, without direct solution of stochastic equations. This approach simplifies the theory. Senior students and experimentalists will find many of the results valuable.

Book 9

The central theme, which threads through the entire book, concerns computational modeling methods for water. Modeling results for pure liquid water, water near ions, water at interfaces, water in biological microsystems, and water under other types of perturbations such as laser fields are described. Connections are made throughout the book with statistical mechanical theoretical methods on the one hand and with experimental data on the other. The book is expected to be useful not only for theorists and computer analysts interested in the physical, chemical, biological and geophysical aspects of water, but also for experimentalists in these fields.

Book 15

This book is devoted to the classical and quantum phases in wave and particle optics from the viewpoint of both theory and applications. Wave and beam light optics are reviewed in considerable detail, featuring optical imaging and holography in linear optics and phase conjugation methods in nonlinear optics. Photon optics is embodied here as quantum optics with the modes treated as quantum harmonic oscillators. The importance of the Wigner function for the phase space description in the context of canonical quantization is respected and the method of quasidistributions related to operator orderings in the second-quantized theory is exposed. The history of the quantum phase problem, characterized by renewed interest in the solution to the problem, is included and brought up to date. Approaches based on exponential phase operators, discrete phase states, the enlargement of the Hilbert space of the harmonic oscillator leading to the phase representations and distributions, together with solutions motivated by the quasidistributions, are introduced. The operational approach to the quantum phase is contrasted with the previous formalisms. The results of the study of the coherent states and the ordinary squeezed states from the viewpoint of the quantum phase and those of the analysis of the quantum statistics of phase-related special states of the light field are provided. The quantum phase is also treated with respect to quantum interferometry, particle interferometry, nonlinear optical processes, and quantum nondemolition measurements.The book will prove indispensable to research workers in general optics, quantum optics and electronics, optoelectronics, and nonlinear optics, as well as to students of physics, optics, optoelectronics, photonics, and optical engineering.

Book 18

It is well known that classical electrodynamics is riddled with internal inconsistencies springing from the fact that it is a linear, Abelian theory in which the potentials are unphysical. This volume offers a self-consistent hypothesis which removes some of these problems, as well as builds a framework on which linear and nonlinear optics are treated as a non-Abelian gauge field theory based on the emergence of the fundamental magnetizing field of radiation, the B(3) field.

Book 25

Three key aspects of quantum gravity are considered in this book: phenomenology, potential experimental aspects and foundational theory. The phenomenology is the treatment of metric quantum fluctuations as torsional curves that deviate from classical expectations. This leads to possible experimental configurations that may detect such fluctuations. Most of these proposed experiments are quantum optical measurements of subtle quantum gravity effects in the interaction of photons and atoms. The foundational discussions attempt to find an substratum to string theories, which are motivated by the phenomenological treatment. Quantum gravity is not the quantization of general relativity, but is instead the embedding of quantum theory and gravitation into a more fundamental field theoretic framework.