Book 2

The classical optimal control theory deals with the determination of an optimal control that optimizes the criterion subjects to the dynamic constraint expressing the evolution of the system state under the influence of control variables. If this is extended to the case of multiple controllers (also called players) with different and sometimes conflicting optimization criteria (payoff function) it is possible to begin to explore differential games. Zero-sum differential games, also called differential games of pursuit, constitute the most developed part of differential games and are rigorously investigated. In this book, the full theory of differential games of pursuit with complete and partial information is developed. Numerous concrete pursuit-evasion games are solved ("life-line" games, simple pursuit games, etc.), and new time-consistent optimality principles in the n-person differential game theory are introduced and investigated.

Book 3

Game Theory

by Leon A. Petrosyan and Nikolay A Zenkevich

Published 1 February 1996
Game theory is a branch of modern applied mathematics that aims to analyze various problems of conflict between parties that have opposed, similar or simply different interests.Games are grouped into several classes according to some important features. In this volume zero-sum two-person games, strategic n-person games in normal form, cooperative games, games in extensive form with complete and incomplete information, differential pursuit games and differential cooperative n-person games are considered.