Book 5

Oak and the Ram

by Michael Moorcock

Published 18 October 1973
The seasons have turned from spring to summer across the quiet earth - yet the Fhoi Myore were hiding in mist, awaiting their chance to unleash their icy realm of death. To defeat the Cold Gods, Corum of the Silver Hand must restore the High King's power with legendary treasures - the Golden Oak and the Silver Ram - lost talismans that wield miraculous forces. Forces that Corum must now tame...

King of the Swords

by Michael Moorcock

Published 23 March 1972

Prince Corum Jhaelin Irsei: the Eternal Champion.

With his plane at war with itself, thanks to the machinations and magic of Chaos, Prince Corum, his beloved Rhalina and the eternal companion Jhary-a-Conel must travel to the last five planes to confront Mabelode, the King of the Swords.

Joining forces with other aspects of the Eternal Champion - Elric and Erekoese - Corum must rescue Rhalina from the Chaos Lord's minions before attempting to defeat the King of the Swords and free his plane from its madness. But the stakes are also personal for Corum, for the captain who commands the forces of chaos is the same savage Mabden who slaughtered Corum's family...

Bull and the Spear

by Michael Moorcock

Published 16 April 1973

In an age before time began when the old Gods were abroad in the Earth, Corum of the Scarlet Robe defeated the agents of chaos and cruelty and made history possible. Now a new age requires a hero. There are new lords who would be gods - Odin and Thor and Freya and Loki. And there are the descendants of Corum's Vadagh people, now called Elf-folk.

There is a portent - a great black bull sometimes seen on the horizon. The bull must be ridden by the one who possesses the Spear of Llaw Ereint. And the one who will come to possess the spear will be one who has a silver hand - it is the hand of Corum...

Knight of the Swords

by Michael Moorcock

Published 24 February 1972

The Hand of Kwll and the Eye of Rhynn in exchange for the Heart of Airioch.

There were Gods abroad in the old days. It was their whim to wipe clean the slate of history, to destroy the old races: the Vadhagh, the Nhadragh, the remnants of still more ancient peoples. Mankind, the Mabden, was their instrument. But the Gods themselves fell out, and Chaos gained the advantage over Law.

Onto this stage stepped the Vadhagh Prince Corum. Driven mad for revenge by the callous slaughter of his family and race, and by his own grotesque mutilation at the hands of the Mabden, he agreed to accept, from the treacherous sorcerer Shool, the Eye of Rhynn and the Hand of Kwll in exchange for a lien on his soul. Thus armed he set out upon a personal crusade against the Sword Rulers: the Lords of Chaos and puppetmasters to Man.

The first of these was the loathsome Arioch, Knight of the Swords, master of five of the fifteen planes of reality. From Arioch, Prince Corum required his heart...

Queen of the Swords

by Michael Moorcock

Published 1 October 1971

The Second Book of Corum: the Prince in the Scarlet Robe.

Fresh from victory over the Chaos Lord, Arioch, Prince Corum must battle the forces of Xiombarg, the dreaded Queen of the Swords, whose armies are close to delivering control of five planes of existence to Chaos, the forces of Law all but defeated.

Corum and his allies enter the fray, though the odds are stacked against them. Their only hope lies in locating the advanced weaponry of the fabled City in the Pyramid. But the City is besieged by the forces of Chaos - and the Chaos Lords are now sworn enemies of the Prince in the Scarlet Robe...

Sword and the Stallion

by Michael Moorcock

Published 8 August 1974
Enemies become allies and allies enemies as the races struggle for possession of the Earth. Yet only Prince Corum Jhaelin Irsei of the Scarlet Robe can save them from a doomed fate. With the spear of Llaw Ereint in his silver hand, Corum must face the Cold Gods in a final battle that will defeat the forces of Chaos - or deliver the world to evil unending...