Games Are Fun

by Lisa Greathouse

Published 29 July 2011
Playing games is fun. Did you know that you can find patterns while you play games? Some games have patterns that are easy to see. With vibrant photos, math charts and diagrams, simple informational text features to help navigate the book, and easy-to-read, repetitive text, beginning readers will learn real-world applications of math skills as they learn to recognize patterns and build their STEM skills.

Recess Time

by Lisa Greathouse

Published 29 July 2011
Recess is a time to get outside and play. It's also an opportunity to look for patterns! With vibrant photos, math charts and diagrams, simple informational text features to help navigate the book, and easy-to-read, repetitive text, beginning readers will learn real-world applications of math skills as they learn to recognize patterns and build their STEM skills.

The Bakery

by Lisa Greathouse

Published 29 July 2011
If there are eight pies at the bakery, and four pies are sold, how many are left? Learn subtraction on a fun trip to the bakery! With vibrant photos, math charts and diagrams, simple informational text features to help navigate the book, and easy-to-read, repetitive text, beginning readers will learn real-world applications of math skills as they learn subtraction and build their STEM skills.

There are all sorts of ways to sort farm animals! This charming, Spanish-translated title teaches young readers how to recognize animals' different qualities and sort them into sets, familiarizing children with set theory, data analysis, and early STEM themes. With the help of familiar images, engaging "You Try It!" problems, and a glossary, children will be able to sort animals into many different categories--big or small, two-legged or four-legged, fast or slow!

The Pet Store

by Lisa Greathouse

Published 29 July 2011
Take a trip to a pet store and you will see lots of animals. You can learn to count them in this book! With vibrant photos, math charts and diagrams, simple informational text features to help navigate the book, and easy-to-read, repetitive text, beginning readers will learn real-world applications of math skills as they learn to count and build their STEM skills.

Farm Animals

by Lisa Greathouse

Published 29 July 2011
The animals in this book all live on a farm. But some of the animals have more in common than others. Learn how these farm animals can be classified and sorted with this engaging book! With vibrant photos, math charts and diagrams, simple informational text features to help navigate the book, and easy-to-read, repetitive text, beginning readers will learn real-world applications of math skills and build their STEM skills.

There are all kinds of ways to sort wild animals! This fun, Spanish-translated title teaches young readers how to recognize animals' different qualities and sort them into sets, familiarizing children with set theory, data analysis, and early STEM themes. With the help of fun, familiar images, engaging "You Try It!" problems, and a glossary, children will be able to sort animals into many different categories--big or small, fast or slow!

The Toy Store

by Lisa Greathouse

Published 29 July 2011
Count the toys at the toy store! With vibrant photos, math charts and diagrams, simple informational text features to help navigate the book, and easy-to-read, repetitive text, beginning readers will learn real-world applications of math skills as they learn to count and build their STEM skills.

Wild Animals

by Lisa Greathouse

Published 29 July 2011
Wild animals can be sorted in many ways. Some are big. Some are small. Some are fast. Some are slow. What are some other ways that animals can be sorted? With vibrant photos, math charts and diagrams, simple informational text features to help navigate the book, and easy-to-read, repetitive text, beginning readers will learn real-world applications of math skills as they learn to sort and classify and build their STEM skills.

At the Playground

by Lisa Greathouse

Published 29 July 2011
Slide into learning addition on a fun trip to the playground! Count the swings. Count the seesaws. How many are there? With vibrant photos, math charts and diagrams, simple informational text features to help navigate the book, and easy-to-read, repetitive text, beginning readers will learn real-world applications of math skills as they learn addition and build their STEM skills.

The Snack Shop

by Lisa Greathouse

Published 29 July 2011
Lollipops, cookies, candied apples, and slices of cake. These are just some of the delicious treats found at a snack shop. Learn subtraction as you decide which treat to buy! With vibrant photos, math charts and diagrams, simple informational text features to help navigate the book, and easy-to-read, repetitive text, beginning readers will learn real-world applications of math skills as they learn subtraction and build their STEM skills.

Fun in the Sun

by Lisa Greathouse

Published 29 July 2011
Learn addition on a fun trip to the beach! Find out how to add up the things you play with at the beach. With vibrant photos, math charts and diagrams, simple informational text features to help navigate the book, and easy-to-read, repetitive text, beginning readers will learn real-world applications of math skills as they learn addition and build their STEM skills.

Find out how many pets there are at the pet shop! This charming, Spanish-translated title helps young readers recognize numbers, practice counting to 20, and understand early STEM themes through vivid photos of familiar animals and helpful mathematical charts. Children will be encouraged and excited to practice their skills with the featured "You Try It!" problems!

Make counting fun by counting how many toys there are at the toy store! This bright, engaging title has been translated into Spanish and helps young readers recognize numbers, practice counting to 20, and understand early STEM themes through helpful mathematical charts and vivid images of familiar toys. Children will be excited to practice counting with the featured "You Try It!" problems!

Make patterns fun at recess time! This exciting title has been translated into Spanish and helps young readers recognize repeating patterns all around through helpful charts and familiar images of recess time. Children will better understand early STEM themes through the help of simple, applicable examples of patterns. This title will engage young readers with games and featured "You Try It!" problems!

Practice addition at the playground! This fun title, that has been translated into Spanish, uses examples from all around the playground to help children practice their addition and understand early STEM themes. Add up two blue swings and three red swings to get five swings! Add slides, rings, jump ropes, basketballs, and more! These familiar images work in conjunction with engaging "You Try It!" problems to encourage young readers to practice and improve their addition skills.

Practice addition while having fun in the sun! This charming, Spanish-translated title uses examples of outdoor activities to help children learn addition, number operations, and early STEM themes. Vivid, familiar images, mathematical diagrams, and engaging "You Try It!" problems make addition simple and fun for young readers. Add one slide and two slides to get three slides! Add kites, shells, pinwheels, and more!

Learn basic subtraction at the bakery! This engaging, Spanish-translated title uses familiar examples of a bakery selling tasty baked goods to make learning subtraction and number operations easy and fun! Practical examples, vivid images, mathematical diagrams, and engaging "You Try It!" problems all help young readers understand subtraction and early STEM themes. If there were eight pies, but four pies were sold, then there are four pies left! With the help of this practical example and many others, children will be excited to subtract!

Learn basic subtraction at the snack shop! This charming, Spanish-translated title uses familiar examples of children buying snacks at a snack shop to make learning subtraction and number operations easy and fun! If there were four lollipops, but a girl bought three, then one lollipop is left! With the help of practical examples, vivid images, mathematical diagrams, and engaging "You Try It!" problems, children will improve their subtraction skills and their understanding of early STEM themes.

Discover patterns in everyday games! This charming, Spanish-translated title helps young readers recognize repeating patterns in common games like checkers, cards, board games, and jacks. Children will enhance their understanding of patterns and early STEM themes with engaging examples and featured "You Try It" problems.