Dragonflies and Dinosaurs

by Kate Austin

Published 29 November 2005

At forty-two and given to the occasional panic attack, Randy Roman is taking a leave of absence from her life. After twenty years of working at a bank-no husband, no kids-she's hitting the road with her young nephews Mickey and Eric, and Dexter, a precocious dog they pick up along the way.

With each passing mile of prairie, farmland and raspberry fi eld, Randy feels the thrill of freedom....

Their destination is Cranberry Portage, a quaint lakeside town her mother loved and Randy can barely remember. But a surprise awaits them at journey's end. Call it fate, karma, or the chance for renewal, it will give Randy the courage to take a risk that will change her life....

The Sunshine Coast News

by Kate Austin

Published 24 January 2006

Since when did life ever tell you where you were going?

Josie Harris always drew comfort from the thought that she lived a charmed life. Unexciting, perhaps, but stable and predictable. In a rut? Josie counted that as luck-at least one knew what would happen next.

Then disaster struck. Her parents moved across the country, she lost her job and, worst of all-after more than forty years of marriage, her father announced he was leaving her mother. Some local hussy had lured him away! What kind of senior community was this?

Josie knew it was time to take charge. She had to make her parents see sense. So she drove across to the Sunshine Coast and was soon immersed in a new job, new community...and most of all, a new and totally unexpected love.

Every important event in Aimee King's life has taken place at the Halfmoon...

Her first kiss, Brad Mackey's proposal while parked under the starry sky... Even Aimee's son, Hayden, was conceived there. But as the Halfmoon Drive-In was readying to close its doors, her ex-husband was returning to the Sunshine Coast for the summer. Even though Brad could never stay in one place, he was always a welcome part of the family. It wasn't as if he and Aimee had ever stopped loving each other-and Hayden, more than ever, needed his father. But was it all enough to stop Brad's adventurous ways? Before the drive-in ran its last picture show, would Aimee discover that Hollywood endings aren't reserved solely for the silver screen?


by Kate Austin

Published 27 June 2006

Kate Austin gives new beginnings a wondrous spin...in a novel that resonates deep within every woman who longs for some midsummer magic in her life.

Francesca Bond has been surviving her life much more than she has ever really been living it. Late one summer night, things take a terrifying spin and she finds herself running in a blind panic through darkness and fog-straight into the welcoming lights of a new world.

Is she dreaming? The colors, the smells, the kindness of new friends Joshua and Marta...she doesn't know how far she's run, but she is definitely far from the reality of her own bleak existence. Can she go home? Does she really want to? The answers, Francesca discovers, are wrapped in the secrets of a destiny as powerful as her sweetest wishes.

Holiday Wishes

by Kate Austin, Stevi Mittman, and Mary Schramski

Published 21 November 2006

Whose Number Is Up, Anyway?

by Stevi Mittman

Published 1 August 2007

Literally, he's had it for every hour of the day for as long as Teddi's known him.

So it's no coincidence that minutes after Teddi stumbles accidentally on a corpse in the deep freeze at King Kullen, Detective Dreamboat is back on the scene. Her supermarket snob (among other things) of a mother will never let her hear the end of it. Nor will Drew, who has told Teddi time and again she's got to stop messing with murder scenes.

Until Teddi goes from material witness to potential next victim… But the woman whose smarmy ex dubbed her "Long Island's Most Dangerous Decorator" isn't going down without a fight. Or going down alone. Not when she's got an oh-so-irritating, way-too-irresistible cop watching her every move…

Seeing Is Believing

by Kate Austin

Published 1 October 2007

"What is it with you and murder victims?"

When Drew Scoones asks the questions, Teddi Bayer listens. Her latest decorating job for a restaurant spoiled by a murder, Ms. Bayer might just have to submit to the detective's line of interrogation. After all, her life depends on it.

With a mafia don who's a little too interested in our crazed housewife, it seems as if everyone's got their eye on the Long Island spitfire. Observe the Botoxed mother who can still wound at thirty feet with just a look and a daughter whose bat mitzvah is a disaster in the making.

If Teddi can't save herself, then the dreamy detective slowly putting the screws to her is the next best thing. But she's got questions of her own. Like, where are the handcuffs, anyway?