This text is the acknowledged leader in the Operations Research field. Known for its stimulating, challenging coverage, it is also famous for its clarity, comprehensiveness and abundance of real life examples and exercises. A software tutorial for the IBM/PC and the Macintosh has been added to the new edition and includes demonstration examples, routines for interactive execution of algorithms, and the routines for interactive post-optimality analysis. The new edition has incorporated such important new developments as treatment of Karmarkar's algorithm, the interior-point approach, the emerging role of microcomputers, Jackson queueing networks and the minimum cost flow problem forecasting in the presence of seasonal effects. The text is now available in split versions. INTRODUCTION TO STOCHASTIC MODELS IN OPERATIONS RESEARCH incorporates Chapters 1-2, 11-12 and 15-23. INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING incorporates Chapters 1-14. The book comes complete with IBM and Macintosh disks.

This text is a split version of INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS RESEARCH (see page #) and incorporates Chapters 1-14. The book comes complete with IBM and Macintosh software.