Book 1274

The Secret Wife

by Carrie Weaver

Published 10 May 2005
How did this nice girl end up as the other woman? Even worse, how did she end up the other wife? Until she met Eric, Maggie McGuire had been above reproach. Now she's been forced to drive cross-country to ask for help-for her child, not for her-from Eric's family. And there, to her horror, she discovers that Eric is already married. J. D. McGuire is used to cleaning up his brother's messes, but this is the worst one yet. Before he can even start, Eric is killed and Maggie is under suspicion. Even though he'd like to walk away, he finds he wants to help her. But how can he believe Maggie is innocent when he knows she's lying about his brother being the father of her child?

Book 1346

Four Little Problems

by Carrie Weaver

Published 9 May 2006
For Patrick Stevens less means more!Patrick Stevens is a great teacher. All of his "kids" say so - except Emily Patterson's oldest son, Jason. Jason is Patrick's lone failure - the one student he couldn't reach.And that's a shame, because when Patrick and Emily are thrown together on a project, Patrick realises he'd really like to get to know Emily better. Now all he has to do is win over her four sons..."You, Me & the Kids" - The more the...merrier!

Book 1387

Secrets In Texas

by Carrie Weaver

Published 1 December 2006

They had a glimpse of heaven...

After the wreck of her marriage, Detective Angel Harrison swore no man would ever control her again. Then she had to infiltrate a dangerous cult, and pretending to be a submissive wife was the only way in. Even worse, her new " husband" quickly aroused feelings ignored for too long.

But first they had to go through hell

Matt Stone had escaped Zion' s Gate, but concern for the sister left behind had him agreeing to the cops' plan to return. Angel was good at playing the subservient wife-so good that he began to worry when the rebellious glint in her eye started to fade. After all, he' d been hoping for a permanent partnership. Assuming, of course, they made it out alive.

Book 1447

Temporary Nanny

by Carrie Weaver

Published 1 October 2007

Can a temporary nanny become a stand-up father?

It all starts with a mysterious message from his upstairs neighbour. The next thing he knows, Royce McIntyre is sharing treats with a ten-year-old. But it's the child's alluring mum, Katy, who keeps Royce coming back for more.

So when a crisis threatens, he surprises the overwhelmed single mother with an offer she can't refuse... Royce McIntyre may not be like any nanny Katy has ever hired, but he's certainly the handsomest! And her son really likes him.

Together, do they have what it takes to transform a temporary arrangement into a forever family?

Book 1476

Baby, I'm Yours

by Carrie Weaver

Published 1 March 2008

Baby, I'm Yours Carrie Weaver

Becca knows that her baby is her late husband's final gift to her. Her pregnancy couldn't be the result of one night when she tried to forget her grief. Rick's not convinced. He's not ready to give up on the prospect of being a father ; or of becoming more than just a friend to Becca. And he has nine months to ensure Becca feels the same way. . .

The Bad Son Linda Warren

Just as Beau had reconciled himself to a life without the woman he adored, an abandoned baby unexpectedly brought them back together. Beau and Macy were soon involved in a dramatic custody battle ; but would their love for the child give them a second chance?