Restoration Drama

by Thomas J Taylor

Published 23 July 1995
The criteria for insertion in this bibliography are simple: Playwrights are included whose dramatic output begins between 1660 and 1700 and responds to the changed social and political atmosphere of London. A lively introduction sets the tone for this informative and entertaining bibliography. References to the works of Aphra Behn, Colley Cibber, William Congreve, John Dryden, George Villiers, and William Wycherley appear alphabetically under each playwright's name. The bibliography is selective rather than exhaustive, designed to intrigue and invite scholars to explore territory in more detail and at their own pace.

This bibliography is annotated to serve readers in their search for the right source for American theatre history. Descriptions of each entry include the contents of the book, the style, the range (both generically and chronologically), and the presence or absence of critical apparatus and illustration. By browsing through the entries, the reader can get an idea of what kind of material is available and can pursue a distinct line of inquiry through a section's offerings.