Book 1

Space Dog to the Rescue

by Vivian French

Published 18 March 1999
The sun is up, and the moons are sleeping -- all except one. Beeper Moon is crying great, gooey tears that are dripping all over Planet Beep. Will everyone on planet Beep drown in green cheese? Not if Space Dog comes to the rescue!

Book 1

Space Dog Goes To Planet Purrgo

by Vivian French

Published 16 November 2000
Space Dog is all packed and ready to visit Planet Purrgo - when he runs into more problems. The thing is, Planet Purrgo appears to have a problem settling down in any one place. She's spinning all over space - if she's not careful she'll spin right out of her galaxy! Space Cat needs Space Dog's help once more - and with the help of some very accommodating (and stretchy!) tube worms, and Little Sun, Space Dog manages to put Purrgo back where she belongs at last!

Book 2

Space Dog Finds Treasure

by Vivian French

Published 18 March 1999
Mischievous space pirates, led by the wicked Eyepatch, plan to steal a princess's birthday treasure-chest surprise. Will Space Dog be able to foil their dastardly plans? Never fear when Space Dog is near!

Book 3

Space Dog Meets Space Cat

by Vivian French

Published 17 June 1999


Deep in outer space, Space Mouse has heard a MEOWLING. What - or who - on earth can it be? Space Dog flies through the darkest, most dangerous part of space to invesitgate and who should he discover? SPACE CAT. Cats and Dogs are not a happy match - or are they?

Book 4


Those wicked Spindlers are spinning a sticky web - all the way down through space to Planet Earth. Soon the whole of Earth will be captive if the Spindler's have their way. UNLESS, Space Dog gets to Earth in time . . .