Book 1

Reluctant Berserker

by BC Yancey

Published 4 November 2017
Gunnar Isaacson, a mighty berserker who faints at the sight of his own blood, works as a US Marshal in Old West Wyoming. Vowing his current assignment will be his last, Gunnar resigns, wanting nothing more than to live a quiet life away from death and destruction.
But, one fateful train ride home brings him face-to-face with Nora, a scarred beauty who captivates him with her mismatched eyes and indomitable spirit, and delivers tragedy to his door. Suddenly, Gunnar is thrown further into the life he wanted so desperately to leave behind; forcing him to deny or embrace who he is or risk watching his loved ones die and lose his chance at claiming the woman meant to be his 'true mate'.

Book 2

Fearless Warrior

by BC Yancey

Published 18 May 2017
If only life had background music. Maybe then, Esmund Isaacson, berserker and US Marshal, would have known it would be wise to avoid Elsie Boynton. She appeared to be an ordinary and boring woman with a desperate request to rescue her friend. But, there hadn't been any music and what was supposed to have been a simple rescue mission has become exactly the opposite. Now, a woman Esmund never would have spared a second glance at, has ensnared his heart while her secrets threaten to destroy everyone he loves.

Book 3

Reckless Protector

by BC Yancey

Published 28 July 2018