His Trophy Mistress

by Daphne Clair

Published 1 November 2001

They were no longer married. But unforgettable Jager Jeffries had returned to claim Paige all the same - this time as his mistress!

Jager had been a boy from the wrong side of the tracks when he'd made teenage heiress Paige his bride. Now, the self-made millionaire was unquestionably his own man. But did he want Paige only as a trophy to show how far he'd come? Or was it possible he had a secret agenda...?

The Marriage Debt

by Daphne Clair

Published 1 May 2002

Shannon's career as a film director is gaining momentum and a new project offers the chance of becoming an international success. But the film will need millions of dollars in funding, and the only person Shannon knows with that kind of money is her estranged husband millionaire Devin Keynes.

Devin agrees to fund Shannon's movie on one condition that she give their marriage another chance. She reluctantly accepts his offer. But this is just the start of Devin's plan: after bribery comes seduction!

The Italian Match

by Kay Thorpe and Daphne Clair

Published 1 September 2001

Gina came to Tuscany to discover her roots, not to gain an Italian husband! But then she met Count Lucius Carendente, the most desirable man she had ever seen! Unable to resist their passion for one another, they spent one glorious night together. And the next morning Lucius informed her that they were to be married!

Lucius only intended to make Gina his mistress, until the discovery of her virginity. But he had no reluctance about doing the honorable thing, if it meant Gina would now spend every night in his bed!

Claiming His Bride

by Daphne Clair

Published 1 January 2003

Four years ago Sorrel fled to start a new life and left her fiance, Blaize, standing at the altar with no explanations. But now she's back, and as beautiful as ever. And seeing her again brings back all his memories-especially his desire....

The reason Sorrel left was that she loved Blaize too much-and she believed that he didn't love her. But she's not prepared for how much he seems to hate her now! Or to want her...

The Determined Virgin

by Daphne Clair

Published 1 July 2003

Gabriel Hudson is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in New Zealand-and he's not used to being turned down. He's determined to seduce cool beauty Rhiannon Lewis, whatever it takes.

Gabriel has every means at his disposal to pursue her and woo her.... But his instincts tell him that a different approach is needed if he's to win Rhiannon. He's got to do something no self-respecting alpha male would normally do-slow it down.

The result is surprising: Rhiannon lets down her defenses. But she also reveals to Gabriel something he just didn't expect....

Mother And Mistress

by Kay Thorpe and Daphne Clair

Published 1 March 2003