Teams don't always achieve the results they expect. One problem is the difficulty many teams face is developing into a cohesive unit that thinks "we" rather than "me." How to Contribute to Your Team's Success, Participant's Workbook from the popular 60--Minute Active Training Series offers you an effective yet brief program that helps you learn how to develop into a team player. Specifically, you will learn how to * Influence collaboration and support * Work through conflicts * Develop innovative "outside the box" ideas * Build commitment

Too often, in situations of conflict, people seek victory rather than agreement. Resolving conflict successfully means taking a different approach where both parties benefit creating a win--win situation. How to Resolve Conflict Effectively, Participant's Workbook from the popular 60--Minute Active Training Series offers you an effective, yet brief program that will teach you the skills needed to successfully resolve conflict and create win--win situations. Specifically, you will learn how to * Get tension right out on the table * Figure out what's bothering the other person * Communicate the real, underlying concerns