Birth of a Warrior

by Michael Ford

Published 2 June 2008
Lysander had to leave his roots as a Helot slave far behind him, when he discovered his true identity as the descendant of a Spartan warrior. The training is ruthless and now he faces his toughest challenge. Sent to the mountains with nothing but a goatskin flask, he and two other boys must prove their ability to survive before they can return. Facing starvation, wild animals and the elements, Lysander discovers that his real enemy is in fact one of the other boys, sent to sabotage his trial. From his vantage point in the mountains, Lysander can see another threat on the horizon - the Persians are invading. He must prove his worth as a Spartan and return to the village as soon as possible in order to warn of the attack. But who is Lysander fighting for - to save Spartan honour, or to protect the Helot slaves, whom he used to live among?

Legacy of Blood

by Michael Ford

Published 5 January 2009
After victory against the Persians, Lysander and the other young warriors from the Spartan barracks are in desperate need of a rest from battle. But a messenger has brought news that Taras, a distant outpost of the Spartan empire, is under siege. The citizens of Taras have organised an uprising and Sparta is in danger of losing a vital trading port. Lysander and the other boys set sail immediately for southern Italy. They quickly discover that the men of Taras are far more organised than they thought, and will not be easily beaten. In the heat of battle Lysander finds himself in front of the great statue in the main square. The figure is wearing the Fire of Ares - he must be Lysander's ancestor. Shocked, he knows that he must find out his connection to this town and its people, and in so doing uncover a little more of his mysterious heritage, hidden from him for so long.