Derek Bok Center Series The Derek Bok Center Series of DVDs is a collection of presentations by both Harvard University and other university professors that focuses on how to improve the teaching skills of university instructors. The series will assist instructors in becoming better communicators in the class room; enable them to convey their ideas more effectively, engage students in the material being taught and address complex issues involving learning environment and learning techniques. Each DVD features two sessions that revolve around a similar topic. Disc 1: Thinking Together and From Questions to Concepts Deals with collaborative learning, increasing student engagement and how to make sure students are learning the concepts and material that are covered in a lecture course. Disc 2: Race in the Class Room and Women in the Classroom Initiates discussion and dialogue revolving around the social make up of the class room and how that affects the learning environment.
Disc 3: Teaching in America and What Students Want Focuses on problems that confront international faculty and offers insights into dealing with language barriers, cultural differences and the expectations and concerns of American college students. Disc 4: The Art of Discussion Leading and The Art of the Lecture Provides tools for the instructor teaching large lecture classes, including how to facilitate classroom discussion, encourage students to take part in their own learning and how much help an instructor should provide a student. Disc 5: The Act of Teaching Improves the presentation skills of instructors through acting techniques using physical and vocal exercises. Disc 6: How to Speak and Technically Speaking Techniques that will enable the instructor to become an effective speaker and presenter, and how to effectively convey complex subject matter. Disc 7: Teaching Political Science with Stanley Hoffman and Teaching Poetry with Helen Vendler Teaches how to organize your political science lecture to focus on the essentials and how to make poetry come alive in the classroom.