American Profiles
3 total works
Part of a series for 10-year-olds and upwards, which presents American history through the lives of its most influential and significant figures, this book covers the contribution of eight black scientists to science and technology and offers a detailed biography on the life of each of them.
Recounts the lives and accomplishments of Helen Brooke Taussig, Maria Goeppert Mayer, Grace Murray Hopper, Chien-shiung Wu, Gertrude Belle Elion, Eugenie Clark, Jewel Plummer Cobb, Vera Cooper Rubin, Candace Beebe Pert, and Flossie Wong-Staal.
Profiles the lives and achievements of eleven women pioneers in American aviation, including Katherine Stinson, Bessie Coleman, Sally Ride, Jeana Yeager, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, and Amelia Earhart.