Seeks to introduce students, managers and trainee managers to the esssence of business economics; to those concepts, theories and ideas which form the economist's tool kit.

This text is aimed at practising managers, as well as students on business and management courses at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels. It should also prove useful to those beginning a more detailed study of UK tax law and practice on professional and tax programmes. The book provides a concise review of the major UK taxes with the objective of making its readers "tax literate". The book adopts the stance that while managers should always seek professional advice in such a complex area as tax, nevertheless they should be able to communicate with their finance advisers on a more equal footing. Also, managers should be able to identify a potential tax problem before it arises so that the necessary action can be taken. Business decisions are made daily which have profound tax consequences and managers too often become aware of these consequences only when it is too late to make amends.

Essence Economy

by Joseph G. Nellis and David Parker

Published 1 October 1990
An introduction to understanding the macroeconomic environment in which businesses operate. Written in a practical and readable style, it emphasises the need for managers to understand their environment and brings them up to date with the latest controversies and debates.