This textbook, first published in 2006, provides the student of aerospace, civil and mechanical engineering with all the fundamentals of linear structural dynamics analysis. It is designed for an advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate course. This textbook is a departure from the usual presentation in two important respects. First, descriptions of system dynamics are based on the simpler to use Lagrange equations. Second, no organizational distinctions are made between multi-degree of freedom systems and single-degree of freedom systems. The textbook is organized on the basis of first writing structural equation systems of motion, and then solving those equations mostly by means of a modal transformation. The text contains more material than is commonly taught in one semester so advanced topics are designated by an asterisk. The final two chapters can also be deferred for later studies. The text contains numerous examples and end-of-chapter exercises.

As with the first edition, this textbook provides a clear introduction to the fundamental theory of structural analysis as applied to vehicular structures such as aircraft, spacecraft, automobiles and ships. The emphasis is on the application of fundamental concepts of structural analysis that are employed in everyday engineering practice. All approximations are accompanied by a full explanation of their validity. In this new edition, more topics, figures, examples and exercises have been added. There is also a greater emphasis on the finite element method of analysis. Clarity remains the hallmark of this text and it employs three strategies to achieve clarity of presentation: essential introductory topics are covered, all approximations are fully explained and many important concepts are repeated.