Spiritual Warfare

by Jack Kuhatschek

Published 9 July 1999
The bestselling "Lifebuilders" series have helped millions of people dig deeper into the Bible, individually and in groups. Some tackle a section of the Bible, others take a thematic approach. There are questions for stimulating group discussion, ideas for meeting God in personal reflection, and the new titles and revisions contain extra features.

Self Esteem

by Jack Kuhatschek

Published December 1992
The messages from the media encourage us to love ourselves, believe in ourselves and tell ourselves that 'we're worth it!' But, deep down, what we most want to know is what God thinks of us. The Bible does not emphasise self-love but it affirms our value as unique individuals. These nine Bible studies will help us understand both who we are and how Christ is restoring us to wholeness.

Times of pain can tear your heart, would your spirit, and leave you broken and scarred. In the process of seeking God you may also find that your suffering is transformed into a source of spiritual growth, wisdom and compassion. Nine studies for small groups or individuals on a topic that could be close to your heart.
This Lifebuilder Study in the new revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a "Now or Later" section in each study.


by Jack Kuhatschek

Published 4 May 2001
The story of David reveals him as someone prepared to be incredibly vulnerable. In his psalms, he pours out his weaknesses, fears and struggles in vivid and honest descriptions. Yet he was also a man of faith, used by God. He was fully human, yet his experiences and passionate heart longings point us to the living God. This study guide takes an overview of his life, selecting key events to show his character and his relationship by God.

Sometimes hope becomes so real that it's almost tangible. We experience God's presence with us and praise flows from our lips. But at other times, especially when tragedy or hardship crashes down on us, we wonder whether our hopes will break apart and leave us exposed, vulnerable and overwhelmed. These studies explore both sides of hope, confronting doubts and fears and reminding us of the great joy that awaits us in Jesus.

Pleasing God

by Jack Kuhatschek

Published 21 May 1999
Like children performing for our parents in a school play, we long to receive the applause, the approval and the divine 'well done' of our heavenly Father. This title is all about how we can please God, not by following legalistic rules, but by putting our trust in Christ. As we grow in our relationship with him, we see how godly character flows from a clear conscience and a sincere heart.

Abraham chooses to believe God, embarking on a transforming, lifelong journey of faith and obedience. God has made promises to us, too. By studying Abraham's life we can learn to be people who listen to, obey and trust the God who always keeps his promises. Nine studies for individiuals and small groups This revised title features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a "now or later" section in each study.
Sessions cover Genesis 12 - Genesis 22. The subjects studied are: Hearing God's call; How adults fight over 'what's mine' and 'what's yours'; Pride; Demonstrating commitment; Waiting patiently for God to work; Responding to he fact that you are a member of God's family; Pleading with God for something better; Receiving the promise; The ultitmat moral or spiritual test.


by Jack Kuhatschek

Published May 1989


by Jack Kuhatschek

Published 1 October 2011


by Jack Kuhatschek

Published 22 August 2000
We all want to be accepted - but so often in our world acceptance comes only if we are attractive, smart, wealthy or powerful. Do we have to earn acceptance from God in the same way - by working harder, living better, praying longer? In "Galatians", Paul challenges this thinking, giving fresh assurance of God's love and freeing us from guilt.