A young boy called Salvador has been given the once-in-a-lifetime honour to carry the cross of Santa Cruz in the Maltese Good Friday pageant. It's his dream come true. But then tragedy strikes and his best friend's father is lost at sea. Salvador's priest asks him to let his friend carry the cross to help take his mind off this tragedy. Can Salvador sacrifice something he's wanted all his life?

The Best Prize of All

by Saviour Pirotta

Published 18 July 2002
Linda has spent months growing a giant pumpkin for the Harvest Festival. She's sure she can win the prize for the biggest vegetable, but she's not the only one who wants first prize. When Linda's pumpkin is stolen the night before the competition, she's pretty certain who's responsible. But then some Eastern European refugees from the barracks on Linda's road provide the answer and they all celebrate a very special harvest festival. Introductory text explains the significance of the Harvest festival in the Christian faith and there is a full glossary of unfamiliar terms at the end of the story.