Volume 1

The Roosevelt Presidency

by Kenneth W. Thompson

Published 30 September 1982

Volume 2

The Truman Presidency

by Kenneth W. Thompson

Published 22 February 1984
Table of Contents: ^BTruman as Leader: Preserving the Free World; Views of a Fellow Missourian; The Truman White House: The Presidential Assistant; Personnel for the Truman White House; The Truman Budget; Truman's Foreign Policy: The Great Foreign Policy Decisions; The Foreign Policymaking Process; Bipartisanship in Foreign Policy; Truman: An Appraisal: Truman and National Security; The Influence of Harry S. Truman on the Marshall Plan; Truman: An Appraisal.

Volume 3

The Eisenhower Presidency

by Kenneth W. Thompson

Published 4 September 1984
Contributors include: General John S.D. Eisenhower; Kenneth W. Thompson; Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower; William B. Ewald; Arthur Larson; General Andrew J. Goodpaster; Karl Harr; Bradley H. Patterson; Bryce N. Harlow; Herbert Brownell; Governor Sherman Adams; Maurice Stans; Arthur S. Fleming.

Volume 13

The Carter Presidency

by Kenneth W. Thompson

Published 28 September 1990
What sets the Carter Presidential Portrait volume apart from other volumes in this series is its concentration on the President and First Lady, Cabinet level officials, certain intangibles such as the nature of the times, accidents and unforeseen events and presidential style and politics. Significantly, this volume is the first in which the President and the First Lady graciously joined in its preparation. Includes essays by Judge Shirley Hufstedler, Secretary of Labor Ray Marshall, Attorney General Griffin Bell, Secretary of Commerce Juanita Kreps, Secretary of Commerce Philip M. Klutznick, Secretary of Agriculture Bob S. Bergland, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, Director of the Policy Planning Staff Anthony Lake, Ambassador Donald McHenry, Secretary of State Edmund Muskie, Yale Professor of History Gaddis Smith, and Vice President Walter F. Mondale. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.

In this work, distinguished political figures and journalists who worked closely with Ronald Reagan examine his role in foreign policy. Contents: Preface; Introduction. PART I: PRINCIPLES OF FOREIGN POLICY; Reagan's Foreign Policy Leadership, Sterling Kernek; Reagan and the Realities of Foreign Policy, Paul H. Nitze; Reagan and International Arms Agreements, Caspar Weinberger. PART II: PERSONALITY AND POLICY-MAKING; Reagan as Decisionmaker, John C. Whitehead; Serving Reagan as Negotiator, Max M. Kampelman; Reagan's Leadership: Mystery Man or Ideological Guide? Elliott Abrams. PART III: THE REAGAN STRATEGY: PERSONAL OR INSTITUTIONAL? Administration and Technical Assistance: A.I.D.'s Western Hemisphere Program, Dwight Ink; Reagan as Foreign Policy Strategist, Paul H. Nitze; Reagan's Triumph: Personal or Institutional? Don Oberdorfer. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.

This Nixon portrait provides a comprehensive view of the Nixon presidency based on extensive oral histories with some twenty-two intimates of the former President. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.

In this work, distinguished political figures who worked closely with Ronald Reagan examine the man as a leader. The first section explores his philosophy of leadership, examining The Reagan White House, by Howard H. Baker, Jr., Reagan as Political Leader, by Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr., and A Journalist's Perspective, by Lou Cannon. The second section deals with President Reagan and the practice of leadership, presenting Reagan's Political Instincts, by John Sears, Speech Writing for President Reagan, by Mari Maseng Will, and The Reagan Presidency: Leadership Revisited, by William Brock. The third section of the book is devoted to the problems of leadership, including The Reagan White House: The Approach, the Agenda, and the Debt, by Ed Harper, and The Reagan Presidency: Campaigning, Managing, and Governing, by Peter D. Hannaford. The fourth examines perspectives on leadership, including Reagan and Defense, by Edward N. Wright, The President's Health, by T. Burton Smith, M.D., and The Reagan Presidency, by Edwin Meese. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.