Problems and Policies of American Presidents is the second volume in the Miller Center's 20th anniversary series. It proceeds from the point at which the first volume ends and contains essays on particular American Presidents and the issues and problems they faced. Before discussing problems and policies, the authors help prepare the reader by examining some differing presidential philosophies and how they affected a president's credibility and effectiveness. In Part II of this volume, the contributors focus on how approaches to problems and policies shape responses. Four intimates of four presidents discuss the character of their president's approach: Nixon, Kennedy, Carter, and Reagan. Part III is devoted to the role of institutions and the tasks of organizing the presidency. Part IV discusses how issues arise concerning the constitutional provisions affecting the arrangements of government. The next section of the book looks at the various facets of succession to the presidency, including electoral succession and succession in accordance with the 25th Amendment involving the disability of a president. The last two sections focus on problems and policies of the presidency, and are the core of the second volume. Co-published with the Miller Center for Public Affairs.