Bullying at School

by Dan Olweus

Published 7 October 1993
"Bullying at School" is the definitive book on bully/victim problems in school and on effective ways of counteracting and preventing such problems. On the basis of the author's large-scale studies and other research, it is known that bullying is a serious problem in all societies that have been studied so far, and that more than 15 percent of the school population in primary and secondary/junior high schools are involved, either as bullies or victims. The facts about bullying, its causes and consequences, are presented in clear and straightforward language. The book is a milestone in the study of bullying at school in that it offers a scientifically evaluated intervention program.The results of this extensive research are remarkable: a reduction of bully/victim problems by 50 percent or more; a considerable drop in antisocial behavior, such as vandalism, theft, drunkenness, and truancy; clear improvements in the "social climate" of the classroom; and student satisfaction with school life.
The book gives practical advice to school principals, teachers, and parents on how to implement a "whole school approach to bullying," and contains a valuable guide to help teachers and parents recognize if a child is being victimized or bullies others. "Bullying at School" is essential reading for all who are involved with children and young people.