Elizabeth George's Living Life with Passion and Purpose is the newest release in the popular Woman After God's Own Heart (R) Bible study series.

Focusing on Jesus' teachings and the principles He lived by, this study of the book of Luke helps women know Him more intimately. Readers will explore-

the lives of New Testament women who knew and ministered to Jesusthe passion and purpose of Jesus' lifethe powerful prayer life of Jesusthe servanthood practiced by Jesusthe prophecies regarding Jesus and how He fulfilled them

With gentle encouragement and solid Bible teaching, Living Life with Passion and Purpose reveals how readers can become more like Jesus in their daily lives and joyfully share the gospel. Excellent for group and individual study.

From the angel Gabriel's announcement of God's plan for her, through the adversities presented by Christ's work on earth, Mary, the mother of Jesus, exhibited courage and humility. In this study, readers will walk beside Mary the teenager...the wife...the mother...the widow...the church member. Women of all ages will discover how to:

  • Sustain a humble spirit with overflowing prayer
  • Hold God's assurances deep within
  • Walk humbly through good times and bad with a heart fixed on God

With more than 750,000 copies sold, the Woman After God's Own Heart® Bible study series continues to be extremely popular for both individual and group study.

Are you living in the Holy Spirit's power? The book of Acts is filled with incredible examples of God's Spirit at work in the lives of His people. As you study along with Elizabeth George, you'll learn about...

  • the Spirit's promises and provision, and what they mean to you
  • your unique place in God's church and how the Holy Spirit uses you
  • being a blessing to both believers and unbelievers

As a Christian you have the same commission God gave to the people in Acts. Step out in the Spirit's power...and yield yourself completely to all God wants to do through you.

On many occasions, Sarah faced very difficult circumstances and made some mistakes along the way. But she willingly allowed God to stretch her and shape her. As a result, she became a woman of great faith and an example to help women¼

  • rest in confidence no matter how uncertain life becomes
  • wait patiently on God's timing
  • replace their problems with God's promises

As women trust in God's promises, they will develop courage and confidence that will carry them through the tough times in life.

Where can women get the wisdom that will help them make the right choices in the many decisions of life? How can they develop a faith that won't waver or crumble when they're overwhelmed by life's trials and temptations? The book of James answers these questions and more and provides practical guidance on many issues that affect Christian women daily, such as:

  • persevering through life's troubles
  • putting on a heart of patience
  • planning the future with God in mind

An encouraging resource for women who yearn to experience real spiritual growth!

Beloved Bible teacher and bestselling author Elizabeth George explores the book of Ephesians in this engaging addition to her popular A Woman After God's Own Heart® Bible study series (nearly 400,000 copies sold).

What spiritual riches does every believer possess as a child of God? And how can women make use of those resources in their lives? Elizabeth leads women to a deeper appreciation and understanding of what they possess in Christ by sharing...

  • the spiritual blessings God has given each of us
  • the keys to becoming spiritually strong
  • the divine design for a fulfilling relationships
  • the spiritual armor that protects us in life's battles

This Bible study makes the quest for spiritual maturity an exciting, practical, and inspirational journey.

As the latest book in bestselling author Elizabeth George's popular A Woman After God's Own Heart® Bible study series (550,000 copies sold!), Embracing God's Grace focuses on Colossians and Philemon, helping readers strengthen their faith by discovering more about God and His principles.

Working through 25 lessons, readers will better understand who Christ is and who they are in Him. They'll be encouraged to embrace His life in all its fullness and...

  • put away their sin natures
  • develop compassion, kindness, peace, and other fruit of the Spirit
  • draw on Paul's dedication and zeal to live fully for Christ
  • employ the keys to recognizing and avoiding false teachings
  • know and accept the amazing grace and forgiveness God offers

This uplifting and stimulating study helps readers know more about their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and how they can live and share His love, wisdom, and teachings.

Highlighting the presence of God's perfect peace, Elizabeth George helps women know God's perfect peace in every circumstance in their lives. They will discover how to respond to the needs of others; mature in Christ; and overcome anxiety. The "heart response" sections help readers grasp Paul's teachings and focus on God's loving provisions.

Pursuing Godliness

by Elizabeth George

Published 20 June 2001

What does living a godly life mean today? Delving into 1 Timothy, Elizabeth shares how women can deepen their Christian walk, paying special attention to¼

  • Focus—putting God at the center of everything
  • Heart attitudes—bearing good fruit
  • Behavior—glorifying God

This Bible study makes the quest for godliness an exciting and practical journey!

Esther was in the right place at the right time. When God's guiding hand made her queen over a foreign race, she used her influence to save her people. Women of every age and walk of life will discover how to-

cultivate an abiding trust in Goddepend wholly upon God in prayerprepare for and persist in the assignments God gives

As women are obedient to God's leading, they will find strength and inner beauty flowing through them as they positively affect the lives of those around them.

For many women, the Proverbs 31 woman is too perfect. But in reality, she is an ordinary woman who made herself available to an extraordinary God-and became a tremendous blessing to everyone around her. Discovering the Treasures of a Godly Woman reveals how women can let God work through them by...

discerning the true priorities in lifecultivating character qualities valued by family and friendspursuing excellence in all they do

It is possible for a woman to make the treasures of the Proverbs 31 woman real in her life-and become the woman God designed her to be!

Elizabeth George takes readers through a thought-provoking study of Peter's teachings on handling trials and persecutions, including: suffering for doing good; understanding the mysteries of God; and fanning the flame of faith. The special "heart response" sections offer readers suggestions to help them apply biblical truths to their lives and focus on the amazing glory God promises.

In the midst of the dark days of the Judges, God faithfully raised up men and women of character to lead his people. Journey through Judges and Ruth and marvel at the godly character of women such as Deborah, Jephthah's daughter, Samson's mother, Naomi, and Ruth-God's woman of excellence. Women seeking God's heart are encouraged to:

  • See giant-of-the-faith potential in ordinary lives
  • Cultivate the good qualities of character
  • Honor God's faithfulness with our own