The Smile Of The Lamb

by David Grossman

Published 1 January 1991

Uri and Katzman are Israeli soldiers occupying a Palestinian village in the West Bank. Uri is idealistic and full of hope, feels the injustice of the occupation keenly, and becomes close to Khilmi, the village storyteller. Katzman on the other hand is 'a contracted muscle' - he has taught himself not to feel. And Shosh, Uri's wife, daughter of liberal immigrant parents and juvenile psychiastrist, is succumbing to her own struggles with power and truth.

When Khilmi's adopted son is killed in a 'security operation' and when Uri discovers how far deception and injustice have penetrated into his own life, their reactions are drastic and unforseen.

The Yellow Wind

by David Grossman

Published 1 March 1988
This account by award winning Israeli novelist David Grossman, recalls his journey to Palestinian camps and Jewish settlements, to kindergartens, divided towns and Israeli factories employing scab Palestinian labour. The book was written to mark the 20th anniversary of Israeli occupation of the West Bank of the Jordan River following the Six Day War in June 1967, and is translated here from the Hebrew.

See Under

by David Grossman

Published 18 January 1990