Feeding the World

by Nance Fyson

Published 30 August 1984
In 1980, the world's people demanded more than twice as much food as in 1950. World food prodcution has slightly outstripped world population growth, but distribution is still very uneven. Addressing the problems of both producing enough food and seeing it reaches the world's poor, this book examines nutritional needs, compares the diets of rich and poor around the world, considers staple foods, and discusses controversies such as factory farming, cash crop or subsistence, and food vs fuel. Nance Lui Fyson is Materials Editor of the Centre for World Development Education, and is author of several Batsford books in the "Growing Up", "World Wide", "Living Today" and "Through the Year" series.

World Health and Population

by Nance Fyson

Published 25 September 1986