Book 1

A Reason to Kill

by Jane A. Adams

Published 27 December 2007
After a successful acting career, culminating in the role of Lydia Marchant, in the series "Lydia Marchant Investigates", Rina Martin is retired. Absolutely retired, isn't she?DI Sebastian McGregor, Mac, is looking for a quiet place to recover his nerve after an investigation went terribly wrong and a child died.Young George Parker and his mother and sister are on the run from a violent past. Like Mac and Rina, he thinks he has found a sanctuary in the sleepy seaside town of Frantham but then an old lady is murdered and peace, for all three, is proven to be an illusion.One violent act leads to another and soon there is another death, just as brutal but the question is, was this one actually deserved?Mac is forced to recognise that there may be many reasons to kill as he and Rina and George are drawn forcibly into the maelstrom.

Book 2

Fragile Lives

by Jane A. Adams

Published 25 September 2008
Rina Martin returns in the second book in this new series from the author of the "Naomi Blake" mysteries.When a body is washed up on a beach a short distance from Frantham, the first assumption is that it must be Edward Parker who had fallen from Marlborough Head just a couple of weeks before. When the badly battered body is examined, however, it is discovered to be the body of Pat Duggan, son of local nightclub owner Jimmy Duggan. It seems Pat had been abducted. Twice. And, to complicate matters, the missing Edward Parker had worked for Jimmy Duggan and disappeared at the same time as Duggan's son. Coincidence? Mac and Rina don't think so...Mac, following procedure as a serving police officer, and Rina, an interested outsider, soon discover that others are now at risk of meeting Pat Duggan's fate and this time they are only eight years old. Mac and Rina are both dragged into a race against time to solve the case.

Book 3

The Power of One

by Jane A. Adams

Published 3 April 2009
This is the new 'Rina Martin' mystery. Two men are found shot dead aboard a luxury yacht. Strangers have come to Frantham looking for a secret and the key seems to lie with a company that makes computer games. Why was Paul de Freitas, a games designer, shot dead aboard The Greek Girl and what secret was he protecting that so many people are prepared to kill to get hold of? Rina Martin takes it upon herself to get to the bottom of things, much to the consternation of her friend, DI McGregor. But her impulse to help those threatened puts the people she most cares for in grave danger. Rina's odd little family must call upon all of their talents and resources to protect themselves and assist Mac, whether he wants their help or not, in bringing the killers to justice.

Book 5

Dead of Winter

by Jane A. Adams

Published 1 January 2011

Book 7

Forgotten Voices

by Jane A. Adams

Published 26 June 2015

Retired actress Rina Martin gets tangled up in the brutal murder of a seemingly innocent widow

Who would want to kill widowed mother of two Ellen Tailor, a seemingly innocent, inoffensive woman, and leave her body for her children to find? Rina Martin's policeman friend Mac can't find anything that looks like a motive and not much more in terms of suspects. While it is true Ellen didn't get on with her mother in law, it seems hard to believe their arguments escalated into a brutal killing. A former abusive partner seems a more likely suspect, but unfortunately for Mac he seems to have a watertight alibi.
But just as the case goes cold, there is a second killing. Are the two linked? Rina thinks so - and Mac has long since learnt that, unfortunately, Rina is often right . . .

Cause of Death

by Jane A. Adams

Published 31 May 2012
Life is looking up for Rina Martin, with the expected revival of her television career, but as her happy summer ends, storm clouds are on the horizon . . .

Summer in Frantham had been long and lazy and DI MacGregor had enjoyed the peace and quiet after a traumatic year. In the Martin Household at Peverill Lodge, change is afoot. Tim is now engaged and preparing to move out, an event Rina views with a mix of pleasure and regret. She will miss Tim tremendously. And there is news of the revival of her television career. Lydia Marchant Investigates looks set to make it back onto the small screen

But nothing stays peaceful for long. Old enemies have returned, the skeletal remains of a woman are found during excavations at the local airfield and then a man is murdered outside a local pub just a few miles away from Frantham.

As the hot, peaceful summer ends, the autumn is set to turn nasty. Stormclouds are gathering, and Rina, Mac and their friends are about to be swept up into the maelstrom . . .