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Volunteer immersion means grounding oneself completely in the place, the tasks, and the people you meet along the way, while keeping your own goals in mind. Kayne profiles over 200 volunteer programs throughout the U.S., highlighting the personal stories of volunteers, and offering essential logistical information on the programs. Volunteer Vacations includes trips appropriate for families, children, teens, and senior citizens, and profiles opportunities over a wide range of categories, including community outreach, wildlife conservancy, environmental advocacy, national parks, education groups, and scientific research.

Book 0

Immersion Travel USA

by Sheryl Kayne

Published 16 September 2008
This book will absolutely changes lives and the way you think about travel in the United States. Designed to be a resource and idea book, this guide provides practical information about immersion travel; special considerations and costs; how to plan and take vacations, sabbaticals, side trips, and more. There are chapters filled with candid, warm stories from travelers who have been there, done that. It's exciting to visit a national park, but it's a lifetime experience to live inside one for an extended amount of time.

Help others and enjoy yourself by biking and building homes across the country. Learn the fine art of making an authentic Windsor chair. Work as a caretaker and live in a lighthouse. Care about returning the wolf to its natural habitat. Play in the High Sierra Mountains backpacking and camping.