Excel 2000 Made Simple

by Stephen Morris

Published 8 February 2000
In jargon-free, Made Simple style, this tutorial guide shows first-time users how to get started Microsoft's spreadsheet software, Excel. Covering data entry, charting and graphs, the text aims to be easy to follow and task-based.

Delphi 5 Made Simple

by Stephen Morris

Published 11 December 2000
'Delphi Version 5 Made Simple' is aimed at those who are new to programming or wish to move to Delphi from some other programming environment. It will provide all the information required to enable readers to get their own applications up and running and provide an overview of Delphi's full capabilities. The main topics covered include:
* Creating applications for Windows 95, 98 and NT
* Writing and testing Delphi code
* Building high-speed Internet applications
* Accessing relational and non-relational databases
In addition to the revision of existing material in the book, there will be two new sections to cover the Internet and databases. The following enhancements will be included:
* Enhanced development environment
* Extended Visual Component Library, including Web components
* Improved debugging techniques
* Developing Internet applications
* Access to external databases

Aimed at a UK/European user audience
Requires no technical or in-depth computer knowledge
Enables readers to get their own applications up and running

This book explains the basics of Excel for Windows, giving the reader just enough information to get started. Like all titles in the "Made Simple" series, it aims to be easy to follow, jargon-free, task-based and practical, with numerous examples which help build lasting knowledge. This book should be of interest to those who have neither the time nor the interest in knowing about every feature, function or command, and should save time in the learning process and remain a quick source of reference for future use.

Visual Basic 6 is the most recent version of Microsoft's Windows development system for creating Windows components and programmes and for developing applications for the Internet. This work is intended for new programmers or those who have worked in non-Windows environments and who need to acquire new skills. It includes information for readers to develop their own applications and begin to discover the full capabilities on offer. The main topics include: creating applications for Windows 95, 98 and NT; writing and testing Visual Basic code; creating WebClasses to allow the development of Internet applications; and accessing external databases.

This guide covers Microsoft Visual C++ version 4.2 and complements the regular (non-visual) "C++ Made Simple" text. Microsoft Visual C++ allows programmers to be more efficient and productive. Code and components can be created and reused, all with the latest Windows-based 32-bit technology such as ActiveX. The 4.2 release of Visual 4.2 eases development of Internet applications with MFC additions, support for Windows NT and Windows 95 operating systems, data-binding technologies support and a new standard library.

Excel 2002 Made Simple

by Stephen Morris

Published 28 March 2002
Many new and improved features have been incorporated into this version of Excel aiming to make the software more efficient and reliable. These improvements build on the existing capabilities and maximize the potential they have to offer as well as introducing more features to enable both beginners and experienced users to complete task with ease. This results in a package that is user-friendly and one that minimizes the potential for mistakes. Features include error checking smart tags which alert to a possible error in a cell, and a formula evaluator which enables users to understand how Excel is calculating a result. Many more features are included to extend the potential of the package and allows users to document and analyse data quickly and efficiently.