This book, first published in 1938, is based upon the Muirhead lectures on political philosophy delivered in the University of Birmingham in January and February of 1938. This title was intended to be of interest to students and scientific workers in the belief that Marxism will prove valuable to them in their scientific work, as well as to a wider audience.

Everything Has a History

by J.B.S. Haldane

Published 24 October 1997

In this collection, first published in 1951, the central theme is that everything has a history, and that we cannot fully understand anything without some knowledge of its history. Professor Haldane writes mainly on geology, astronomy and zoology, but includes a variety of other topics, including eugenics, Einstein, and C. S. Lewis. His outlines of zoology, of the geology of England, and of the evidence for astronomical theories, will be of great use to students and teachers.

Heredity and Politics

by J.B.S. Haldane

Published 1 September 2015

This book, first published in 1938, is based on the Muirhead Lectures given at Birmingham University in February and March of 1937. The first half of this book is mainly devoted to an exposition of the principles of genetics, whilst the second half deals with more controversial topics, with the text providing an insight into the ideology of the time. This title will be of interest to students of politics and history.