A Place In The Hills

by Michelle Paver

Published 14 May 2001
Antonia had become obsessed with a long-dead poet, Cassius. A soldier and lover, he had lived in the hills of Provence in Roman times where Antonia was now engaged in an archaeological dig. Her father was hoping to uncover a Roman villa, but Antonia had more romantic hopes - she longed to solve the riddle of Cassius, a secret contained in one of his poems. With her on the dig is Myles, her boyfriend from university days, and his fascinating friend Patrick -who also wants to uncover the mystery of Cassius's riddle. When they find an unimaginable treasure in a remote hillside cave Patrick and Antonia also discover an electric attraction between them. But tragedy strikes the dig, and Antonia and Patrick are parted. The treasure vanishes and it seems that the mystery will never be solved. Until many years later, a wholly unexpected development means a new start.


by Michelle Paver

Published 16 March 2000
Sarah is devastated when her lover Dominic betrays her, and to help her recovery she takes a job writing the history of an old manor house, once the home of her father's ancestors, now owned by an American University. Here she becomes immersed in the poignant story of her family, and in particular of Robert, Lord Harlaston, who may have been her grandfather. Was he the callous seducer of an innocent village maiden, or was there some deeper, more passionate mystery in the story of Robert and Charity, Sarah's grandmother, who was brought up in the shadow of Harlaston Manor? From present-day London to the misty Lincolnshire fens, from the battles of the Boer War to the rigid hierarchies of a small village in Edwardian times, this sweeping novel tells a breathtaking story of a family and its mysteries.