Management Dilemmas

by Eli Schragenheim

Published 30 November 1998

An incredible ability awaits managers who practice Theory of Constraints (TOC) techniques: they can take a problem, look beyond the less important details, and directly identify the source of trouble. They've been known to promptly resolve perplexing matters - while the uninformed remain stuck.
So many more managers could gain the benefit of TOC thinking... if they only took the time. Eli Schragenheim now offers an informative and enjoyable self-learning method, proving how TOC can be invaluable at a wide variety of workplaces.
Management Dilemmas: The Theory of Constraints Approach to Problem Identification and Solutions conveys TOC methods through "virtual experience"-stories of managers and the situations they need to resolve. Take note of the dilemmas they're facing. Think about how you would respond under those circumstances. Then, compare your reactions with Schragenheim's TOC-influenced analysis.
Associated with Dr. Eli Goldratt (the founder of TOC) for seven years, Schragenheim doesn't tell how the stories end. Instead, he encourages the reader to try out TOC techniques-especially the need to arrive at the most precise answer by raising the right questions. The conclusions you reach today could greatly help your on-the-job thinking tomorrow!

Manufacturing systems don't exist in a vacuum, isolated from the rest of the company, but they are often managed that way. A truly effective, highly competitive manufacturing company integrates its manufacturing, marketing, sales, purchasing, and financial functions into a well-coordinated whole. Manufacturing at Warp Speed: Optimizing Supply Chain Financial Performance explains in detail how to coordinate all these functions to maximize sales revenue while controlling inventory and overhead costs. Ultimately, the effects of applying the new Simplified-Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR II) introduced by the authors include dramatically faster manufacturing cycle times, shorter order-to-delivery lead times, higher on-time delivery reliability, and better customer satisfaction.

The book gives you everything a typical production professional needs to implement this new DBR approach. A supplemental feature - the Management Interactive Case Study Simulator (MICSS) - is included with the book. Available for download via the CRC Press website, the simulator sets up a virtual company where you can test and practice the processes you learn in the book before implementing them in your organization. The book and software together constitute the complete package for learning how to streamline manufacturing operations.

The first book available on second generation Drum-Buffer-Rope, Manufacturing at Warp Speed: Optimizing Supply Chain Financial Performance describes the simplest, most efficient methods for reducing manufacturing cycle time and increasing the speed of manufacturing yet devised. Fully illustrated, with numerous examples, case studies, and manufacturing scenarios, the book is so easy to read that even the novice can understand it. Correct use of this new method practically assures that your company has the competitive advantage.