Book 4

Football Flukes

by Rob Childs

Published 1 January 2000
Luke Crawford, captain of the Sunday league team, the Swillsby Swifts, knows that he's got a tough task ahead of him when the Swifts set out to play an important cup-tie. After all, the Swifts are at the bottom of the League! But if they can win once, they can win again.

Soccer Shocks

by Rob Childs

Published 5 February 2001


The football season may be drawing to a close, but Luke Crawford - skipper, player-manager and coach of the Swillsby Swifts Sunday League team - is still full of running . . . when he's not tripping up over his own feet! He's also still full of ideas and dreams. Luke's new sweeper system for the Swifts relies on the unpredictable talents of his Italian cousin Ricki, but will it be too late to save them from relegation? Luke would dearly love to win a medal in the school Cup Final too, if only he's given the chance to get on the pitch.

One thing's for certain. With soccer-mad Luke on the loose, there are bound to be plenty of shocks in store for everyone before the final whistle blows . . .

"Soccer Mad"

by Rob Childs

Published 4 April 1996
This is the first in a series of footballing stories. Rob Childs is also the author of the Big series of stories, and Soccer at Sandford and Sandford on Tour.