The true test of a warrior is not is within. Sins of the past collide with hopes for the future as Martok fights for the right to lead the Klingon Empire. With the secret of his usurper exposed, the ousted chancellor and his ragtag band of followers embark on a desperate plan to retake the empire. But while Worf, Ezri Dax, and the crew of the IKS Rotarran go in search of the Klingons' most revered icon of power, Martok is dealt the most crushing blow of all -- driving him to make his final stand on the ice-strewn cliffs of sacred Boreth. As that frozen world reverberates with the song of armies and bat'leths clashing, the mystery of Martok's past, and the future of the Klingon Empire, is revealed.

Arthurian in its themes and scope, this epic two-part saga is the story of one Klingon's battle to preserve his empire and his dream. As General Martok's war to win back his empire grows in fury, the truth about his past is revealed, leading to a final confrontation against his corrupt son and the woman he once loved. Only an ultimate sacrifice will enable him to reclaim what was taken from him and fulfill his dream of creating a Klingon 'Camelot'. Honour, betrayal, the ties of blood and the warrior ethic: all the most powerful elements of Klingon life are here in a tale which fans will love.

Section 31

by Jeffrey Lang and David Weddle

Published 26 June 2001
Shrouded in secrecy, Section 31 operates outside the constraints of conscience or the law. The covert operations arm of Starfleet, their mission is to protect the Federation at whatever cost. Dr Julian Bashir faces his own darkest nightmare when Section 31 compels him to undertake a mission.

The price of victory has been high. In the aftermath of the Dominion War, The Klingon General Martok, newly acclaimed Chancellor of the Klingon Empire, returns to the homeworld together with his adopted kinsman, Worf. They find a society splintered into factions and seething with unrest. Many Klingon warriors flock to Martok's banner, but his enemies are strong - chief amongst them his own bastard son…
Rebellion, civil war and betrayal rock the Empire in this stirring tale of families riven by bitter conflict and a society poised precariously between redemption and dishonour.

Force and Motion

by Jeffrey Lang

Published 31 May 2016
In 2367, Captain Benjamin Maxwell of the starship Phoenix ordered the destruction of a Cardassian warship and a supply vessel, killing more than six hundred crew members. Maxwell believed that the Cardassians were arming for a new attack on the Federation, and though history eventually proved he was probably correct, the Federation had no choice but to court martial and incarcerate him.
    Almost twenty years have passed, and now Maxwell is a free man, working as a maintenance engineer on the private science station Robert Hooke, home to crackpots, fringe researchers, and, possibly, something much darker and deadlier. Maxwell’s former crewmate, Chief Miles O’Brien, and O’Brien’s colleague, Lieutenant Commander Nog, have come for a visit. Unfortunately, history has proven that whenever O’Brien and Nog leave Deep Space 9together, unpredictable forces are set into motion…
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