Book 8

Chocolat, Volume 8

by Ji-Sang Shin

Published 11 December 2012

Chocolat, Vol. 2

by Ji-Sang Shin

Published 4 September 2008
Kum-Ji thought that she was willing to do anything to get closer to her favorite boy band, DDL, even if it meant she had to join a fan club of their new rival group, Yo-i. But it's getting harder and harder to deal with E-Soh of Yo-i, the only one who knows abot her little secret. And now, E-Soh drops a bomb on her. He tells her...that he...likes her? What?!

Chocolat, Vol. 4

by Ji-Sang Shin

Published 4 September 2008
Kum-Ji thought the band was going to Miami, but she ends up stuck in the smelly countryside! To make things worse, the water snakes attack her! Ah - the dream of the beautiful beaches of Miami has all blown away! Moreover, when she open her eyes, she finds herself in the arms of E-Wan! E-Soh gets jealous as can be, while Kun-Ji can't make her heart stop beating so fast! Find out more about their love triangle in this fourth book of the series!

Chocolat, Vol. 6

by Ji-Sang Shin

Published 1 September 2008
With her confession rejected by E-Wan of Yo-I, Kum-Ji is driven to despair. But with DDL's tour starting up again, she at least has something to get her mind off of her hurting heart. But when E-Wan is suddenly hospitalized, she must draw up the courage to visit him. And who's there to back her up but E-Soh?! Just when it seems that E-Wan can never be as nice as E-Soh, he has a change of heart?!

Chocolat, Vol. 3

by Ji-Sang Shin

Published 4 September 2008
Kum-Ji just wants to get close to her idol, DDL. Unfortunately, her plan quickly backfires because it was exposed by Yo-I, their rival. Kum-Ji finally decides to resign from her official position in Yo-I's fan club. But before she is able to do so, E-Soh of Yo-I confesses that he has a crush on her. On top of that, even E-Wan of Yo-I also shows interest in her. What is she going to do now?

Chocolat, Vol. 1

by Ji-Sang Shin

Published 4 September 2008
How far would you go to meet your favorite boy band? Kum-Ji was little late getting under the spell of the chart topping boy band DDL. Unable to join the DDL fan club, she almost gives up meeting her idols until she develops a cunning plan, becoming a top member of their rival fan club for a brand-new boy group, Yo-I (Chocolat). This way she can always be near Yo-I at all their concerts. Funnily enough Yo-I always seem to play the same shows with DDL. It's almost the perfect plan except it's really complicated being a super fan for one band when your heart lies with another. Follow the adventures of Kum-Ji in this full-blown romantic comedy as she tries to keep her scheme.

Chocolat, Vol. 5

by Ji-Sang Shin

Published 17 June 2008
Kum-Ji may have started following Yo-I to get close to her favorite boy band, D.D.L., but it's E-Wan of Yo-I that she can't get out of her head! With E-Soh's confession still heavy on her heart, a confused Kum-Ji joins her fellow fan girls in strategizing for the next tour. But Barbie, the fan club president, has other plans. When a surprise attack leaves Kum-Ji bruised and beaten, E-Soh charges in as her knight in shining armor! Will this dashing rescue be enough to change Kum-Ji's affections?

Chocolat, Vol. 7

by Ji-Sang Shin

Published 1 December 2008
When E-Soh issues an ultimatum to Kum-Ji, she has to choose him on the spot or watch him walk away for good! Happy couplehood seems imminent for the two friends until former Yo-I fan club president Barbie makes her debut on the idol scene. Is this her new ploy to win E-Wan over?! And will it work against E-Soh and Kum-Ji's budding relationship . . . since Kum-Ji still hasn't quite gotten over her broken heart?

Chocolat, Vol. 9

by Ji-Sang Shin

Published 11 December 2012

Chocolat, Vol. 10

by Ji-Sang Shin

Published 11 December 2012