City of Blok

by Simon Louvish

Published 19 September 1988
This is a satire on modern Israel revealing how the human capacity for survival defies the most absurb challenges. The subject is an amnesiac and non-conscientious objector, Avrom Blok, a man without a past who was released from the State Mental Hospital into a Middle East due to be redeemed by the Camp David Peace Treaty. Riven by social, political and religious schisms, haunted by every step of its history, the city girds itself for a resumption of its millenial agonies. Mad Rabbis, corrupt politicians, trapped dreamers, resurrected historical figures living way past their allotted time, crowd and battle their way through the streets of the capital watched over by the ever present Department of Apocalyptic Affairs. Simon Louvish also wrote "The Therapy of Avrom Blok" and "The Death of Moishe-Ganef".

Your Monkey's Schmuck

by Simon Louvish

Published 29 March 1990