Collected Poems

by Peter Porter

Published 24 March 1983
This collection of Peter Porter's work includes the majority of his poems published between 1961 and 1981, which gained him eight Book of the Year awards from the Poetry Book Society and the Duff Cooper Memorial Prize for 1983. They are grouped chronologically under the titles of his eight books - "Once Bitten, Twice Bitten", "Poems Ancient and Modern", "A Porter Folio", "The Last of England", "Preaching to the Converted", "Living in a Calm Country", "The Cost of Seriousness" and "English Subtitles". In addition, there are some previously uncollected poems, a selection from those which appeared in "Penguin Modern Poets No 2"and his versions from Latin, "After Martial".

The Automatic Oracle

by Peter Porter

Published 1 November 1987

With this new collection, Peter Porter shows his maturity as a poet and displays his ability to work in a variety of forms. The "oracle" of the title is the English language, with the poet acting as a "priest" bound to carry messages to the outside world. Porter's themes here are childhood, dreams, painting, history, and most important, words and their responsibilities.

Possible Worlds

by Peter Porter

Published 1 September 1989
In this completely new collection of poems, Peter Porter brings his marvellous, incisive vision to bear on a characteristically wide range of subject matter, from memories of childhood to imaginings of literary utopia.

The Cost of Seriousness

by Peter Porter

Published 23 March 1978

Fast Forward

by Peter Porter

Published 1 October 1984

Poems balance subtle commentaries of contemporary life and politics with a celebration of history, art, and man's creative spirit

Millennial Fables

by Peter Porter

Published 1 November 1994
In the countdown to the Third Millennium, time and events tend to be scrutinized apprehensively. Ordinary human fear of portents and oracles becomes intensified. Peter Porter's new collection acknowledges this pressure, and protests against it. More than ever, his poems express contemporary life in its present flux, while forecasting a turbulent future. The second part of the book, entitled `Homage to Robert Browning', is a series of monologues and character pieces in which individual voices speak to us from a wide range of occasions and places. An imaginary notebook kept by Bach's first wife, Maria Barbara, a poem called `Aesop's Dressing Gown', `Berenson Spots a Lotto': these give an idea of Porter's ranging curiosity and knowledge, which he displays with great generosity and humour. This book is intended for poetry readers; readers aware of author's reputation as both poetry and music critic. Australian readers (author's birthplace).

A Porter Selected

by Peter Porter

Published 1 September 1989
This superb selection of nearly 100 poems has been chosen by the author himself to represent thirty years of his work and eleven original and highly praised collections.

The Chair of Babel

by Peter Porter

Published 1 March 1992
This is a collection of 50 new poems, on a great mixture of autobiographical and more general subjects; on dreams, states of mind, and above all on the divisiveness of language, used in Porter's various `Babel' of forms.

This collection, its title taken from Isaiah, continues in the same vein of prophecy as Peter Porter's last works, "Millennial Fables". This time, however, the poems are lighter in tone, sometimes quirkily humorous, and the detail of the poetry more down-to-earth. The countries he visits include his land of birth, Australia, and his beloved Italy.