All you need to know about investing safely and smartly, with new information on the latest options—from cryptocurrencies to social media IPOs—in this comprehensive and updated guide to understanding the current market, setting realistic goals, and achieving financial success.

The best time to start investing is now—even as little as a few years can make a difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars by the time retirement comes around. Investing early in your career is the best way to ensure a secure and successful life all the way through retirement.

For years, The Everything Guide to Investing in Your 20s and 30s has been guiding young professionals on how to capitalize on the investing market and make the most out of their money. This all-new and fully updated edition includes all of the tips, tricks, and investing knowledge while also explaining:

—New technological investing options
—How the changing political climate affects your money
—What the rising interest rates mean
—Active investing versus passive investing

The Everything Guide to Investing in Your 20s and 30s teaches you how to maximize your investing strategy and make your money work for you. Don’t wait. Start investing today!

Start planning your financial future now!

The most important time to invest for lifelong savings is as early as possible! If you are in your twenties or thirties, it's time to start building your savings and investing for the future. The Everything Investing in Your 20s and 30s Book includes tips on how you can save money, invest that money wisely, and monitor your progress. With this easy-to-use guide, you'll learn about:
  • Stocks and bonds
  • Saving for retirement
  • Mutual funds
  • Real estate investing
  • Working with a financial advisor
Whether you want to start building a nest egg for retirement, start a business, or save for your children's education, the techniques and tips in this book will have you well ahead of your peers and on your way to continued financial success.