Book 1

Tj's Sunflower Race

by Rose Impey and Anna Currey

Published 15 July 1999
TJ and her friend Abi have got some sunflower seeds. Who's going to grow the biggest, tallest, sunflower? The race is on in TJ's back garden - TJ so much wants her flower to be the tallest. But TJ and Abi don't realise they have competition. TJ's little sister, Josie, has got a seed, too, and she's found a VERY clever place to grow it . . . Now who will be the winner?

Book 27

Tj's Accident

by Rose Impey and Anna Currey

Published 16 September 1999
TJ is mad about climbing - she'll climb absolutely anything - even though she knows she shouldn't, and Mum is forever telling her to be careful. So when TJ's friend, Laura, comes round, TJ can't wait to show off. As soon as Mum's back is turned, TJ starts to climb the tree in the back garden. Higher and higher she climbs and Laura is getting more and more anxious. But TJ is sure she'll make it to the top! But then something awful happens: TJ loses her balance falls - straight on top of poor old Laura. Now Laura's got a broken arm - she'll need to wear a plaster for ages . . . And TJ is in BIG trouble. TJ feels terrible, perhaps she'd better give climbing a rest . . . At least for a while . . .

Book 37

Tj and The Baby Bird

by Rose Impey and Anna Currey

Published 15 July 1999
TJ finds an injured Baby Bird and, together with Mum and Jan next door, she nurses it back to health.When it's time to let the bird go, TJ feels very sad - but she still has Scruffy and Annie, to take care of . . . A seet and entertaining story of a familiar childhood experience.

Book 38

Tj's Snail Show

by Rose Impey and Anna Currey

Published 16 September 1999
TJ has a new pet! He's small and brown and slimy and he's called Humbug - he's a snail! TJ can't believe how easy it is to look after Humbug and now all her friends want a snail, too. It isn't hard to find them - the garden is full of them - soon everyone has their own snail and each one is special. One is fat, one is skinny, one is very slow and one is very fast, but along with their new owners, they all belong to the snail club! To celebrate TJ organises the greatest snail show ever. Now everyone has the chance to show off their snail's own, very special talents. The snail show is a great success but the next day, all the snails have disappeared - even Humbug. Oh well, TJ knew she couldn't keep him forever . . .