Book 1

Emerald, Amber and Jet

by Lucy Daniels

Published 16 September 1999

Emerald is a tortoishell with deep green eyes. Her new owner is an usher at the local cinema. Emerald gets to watch all the new movies and, when there's a ghost film showing, she gets to give the audience some extra entertainment in the form of 'ghost kitten'.

Amber is a tabby, with splodges of orange, brown and white all over. But poor Amber has an identity crisis - she thinks she's a dog. Her new owners, the Grices, are not thrilled - they already have three dogs! Can Amber learn to be more like a cat?

Jet is black from head to toe - except for his tail - which has just a few white hairs on it. Jet's new owners run a pet shop and Jet is now the star attraction. And Jet is friendly to everyone - but he's a bit nervous of babies. Too bad that Sue, his new owner, is about to have a baby of her own. Can Jet come to terms with the baby and a rival for attention?

Book 2

Daisy, Buttercup and Weed

by Lucy Daniels

Published 16 September 1999

Daisy has a sleek grey coat and silver grey eyes. She's the quietest of Bracken's kittens. In fact she's so quiet that her new owners are beginning to worry that she'll never make a sound. But when their daughter Mel collapses unconcious from a mystery illness, it is Daisy who calls for help with her very first 'Miaow'.

Buttercup is multicoloured - every colour imaginable is in her fur! And just as she has many colours, Buttercup has many roles to play with her new family of three girls, two boys, Mum and Dad and Granny. Everyone wants Buttercup at the same time, and it's all getting too much. Buttercup can't please everybody all the time - can he?

Weed is the last of Bracken's litter. Very tiny and scrawny, Weed is as shy and timid as a mouse, and no one wants her! No one except Granny, that is . . .

Book 3

Books 1 To 3

by Lucy Daniels

Published 20 September 2001
For existing and future fans of the Nine Lives stories, this collection features all nine, adorable kittens: Ginger, Nutmeg, and Clove; Emerald, Amber and Jet; and Daisy, Buttercup and Weed in their very first adventures! All nine kittens are settling into their different homes, with new owners. Join the kittens as they adapt to life away from their mother, Bracken, each making a little mischief along the way . . .

Book 4

Poor old Ginger's adventurous spirit has got him into trouble again, and when he injures one of his legs, his owner Amy is worried. But Ginger is getting lots of attention, so much that he doesn't even notice that his leg has healed, and starts limping on the wrong leg . . .

Nutmeg shares her new home with a noisy parrot called Sailor, and most of the time the two of them are locked in combat. But when Nutmeg gets accidentally locked up in some new cupboards, it is noisy Sailor who raises the alarm.

Clove can't stop cleaning her fur, and when Janie spills some cream on her coat, she's glad she does. It's delicious! But Clove can't tell the difference between cream and shampoo, and gets a nasty surprise when Janie washes her hair!

Book 5

When Daisy goes to the country with Mel she can't believe how much there is to explore! But Daisy won't wear a lead, so Mel won't let her explore, and she feels miserable. Mel makes it up to her with a present - a lead of her own: a daisy chain!

Buttercup is so kind, he wants his cat friends to share in all the his owner's toys . But when Buttercup borrows some balls lying outside, her owners are cross. No one understands she was trying to help. Freddie the dog cheers up. He brings her a ball all of her own!

Weed hates being so tiny. She wishes she was more like her friend Duchess, the huge tabby next door. But Duchess teaches Weed that being big isn't always a good thing, and little Weed is glad to be the size she is.

Book 7

Emerald just loves to snooze on the grass. Basking in the lovely sunshine, she could spend all day outside while her owner George sleeps off his nightshift work. But when the snow comes, Emerald is freezing, and staying indoors just isn't the same! Luckily George finds a way to make it up to her - in the shape of astro-turf next to the fire!

When little Amber finds herself in darkness, and jolting along in someone's bag, she gets a fright. But then she hears some familiar voices, and breathes a sigh of relief. Her owner Emma has taken her to school by mistake. Now she'll get loads of attention!

Jet loves his owner's new baby, but when he hitches a ride underneath her buggy, he finds himself lost in a huge shopping centre. Luckily for him, he finds a cosy basket to sleep in, and it takes him all the way home!

Book 8

Ginger, Nutmeg and Clove

by Lucy Daniels

Published 16 September 1999

Ginger is the red-head of the litter, with tiger stripes on his belly and pure white paws, he is fearless and very nosy. Ginger is taken by a female firefighter and her daughter - the perfect family to get him out of all the scrapes he gets into - especially getting stuck on the roof!

Nutmeg is long-haired and beigy brown and just as nosy as her brother Ginger. But Nutmeg's new owners have an equally nosy parrot who Nutmeg loves to tease. But the parrot gets his own back. Fed up with Nutmeg chasing him all day long, he tricks her into his cage one day,and poor old Nutmg learns her lesson!

Clove is a gentle grey kitten with soft white paws. Her new owners, the Millers, are very kind, but they keep feeding her very odd food - far too rich for her delicate tummy and Clove is unhappy.. But the Miller's daughter soon realises what the problem is and sets about putting it right with some proper kitten food!

Volumes 1 to 3

by Lucy Daniels

Published 1 January 2005