Ever since Europeans first set foot on the American continent in 1492 the native people they came upon and their way of life have held a fascination which has lasted until the present day. Studies of their religious beliefs traditions customs and systems of government have shed light on these civilisations that had grown and prospered over centuries.With a series of superb full-colour photographs many of which were specially commissioned in Mexico Aztec brings to life the magnificent kingdoms of the Aztecs Incas and Mayas and the people who came before them. Take a look inside an Inca weaving basket marvel at the gold jewellery of the Mixtec people and discover the intricate featherwork and textiles of the ancient Peruvians.Filled with information and superb photography Aztec is a unique and exciting introduction to the peoples of Mesoamerica and the Andes - the world they lived in who came before them and how they lived.