Book 1


by Catherine Cookson

Published 15 August 1983
Maisie doesn't understand why her mother can't love her, but she knows that her life is hard, and deeply unhappy. When the only person she trusts, her stepfather George, leaves, Maisie has no protector, until she begins to escape into her own imagination. She first meets Hamilton as a lonely seven year old, but he has to remain a secret, for what would people think if she reveals her only friend is an imaginary horse? A childhood of neglect leaves her naive and insecure - and people will always prey on the innocent. But Hamilton lives on in her mind, and perhaps he will be the one to save her...

Book 2

Goodbye Hamilton

by Catherine Cookson

Published 28 August 1984
Maisie's quirky nature has helped her survive a painful childhood and miserable marriage. Now, free to be herself, she has found true love, and become a bestselling author with a book about Hamilton, the horse her imagination conjured for solace through the long years of an unhappy marriage. Living in London with her new husband, Nardy, her life seems perfect. But Maisie cannot know that the bitter hatred of someone in her past will lead to terrible heartache!

Book 3


by Catherine Cookson

Published 1 February 1985
Although Maisie is grieving for her beloved second husband, she finds comfort and even joy in the company of a bright-eyed little lad named Harold. Deciding to adopt him, she begins to find happiness once more, and rarely needs to escape from reality into her imagination. She is even beginning to hope that true love could strike twice. But life is never simple, and an unexpected friendship with a curious man could leave Maisie in grave danger...Harold is the final novel full of excitement, laughter and love in Catherine Cookson's delightful and hugely popular modern trilogy.