11 Cave Life

by Christiane Gunzi

Published 11 March 1993
This book is part of a series that attempts to reveal nature with an intimacy never seen before. The books look at how a butterfly's wing might look to another butterfly, or why a pond skater has furry feet. The photographs bring the habitats of meadow, tree, rockpool and river to life with text revealing how each creature lives, eats and breeds, its method of outwitting predators, and how it adapts to its surroundings. This book looks at what lives and survives in a cave, including bats, moths, scorpions and blind cave fish.

Rock Pool

by Christiane Gunzi

Published 9 April 1998
Natural habitats grow larger than life through magnificent specially commissioned photographs accompanied by clear text and fascinating captions.

8 Rockpool

by Christiane Gunzi

Published 15 October 1992
This book is part of a series that attempts to reveal nature with an intimacy never seen before. The books look at how a butterfly's wing might look to another butterfly, or why a pond skater has furry feet. The photographs bring the habitats of meadow, tree, rockpool and river to life with text revealing how each creature lives, eats and breeds, its method of outwitting predators, and how it adapts to its surroundings.