Book 18

Pascal User Manual and Report

by K Jensen and N Wirth

Published 1 January 1975
, A preliminary version o~ the programming language Pascal was dra~ted in 1968. It ~ollowed in its spirit the A1gol-6m and Algo1-W 1ine o~ 1anguages. A~ter an extensive deve10pment phase, a~irst compiler became operational in 197m, and pub1ication ~ollowed a year 1ater (see Re~erences 1 and 8, p.1m4). The growing interest in the deve10pment of compilers ~or other computers ca11ed ~or a conso1idation o~ Pascal, and two years of experience in the use o~ the 1anguage dictated a few revisions. This 1ed in 1973 to the pub1ication o~ a Revised Report and a de~inition o~ a 1anguage representation in terms of the ISO cha:.:.acter set. This booklet consists o~ two parts: The User Manual, and the Revised Report. The ManUAl is directed to those who have previous1y acquired some ~ami1iarity with computer programming, and who wish to get acquainted with the 1anguage Pascal. Hence, the style o~ the Manual is that o~ a tutorial, and many examp1e~ are inc1uded to demonstrate the various ~eatures o~ Pascal. Summarising tab1es and syntax speci~ications are added as Appendices. The Report is inc1uded in this booklet to serve as a concise, u1timate reference ~or both programmers and imp1ementors.
It defines stAndArd Pascal which constitutes a common base between various implementations of the 1anguage.

Book 26

Coloured Petri Nets

by K Jensen

Published 1 January 1997
This is the third volume of a definitive work on coloured Petri nets. It contains a detailed presentation of 19 applications of CP-nets across a broad range of application areas, including a security system, ATM networks, audio/video systems, transaction processing, ISDN services, VLSI chips, document storage, distributed programming, electronic funds transfer, a naval vessel, chemical processing, nuclear waste management, and many more. Most of the projects were carried out in an industrial setting, and in each case the original authors have cooperated with the author and approved the new presentation. The author has taken care to unify the terminology and the CPN diagrams and to ensure that the background knowledge required has been provided in the first two volumes of the work.