Rape of Venice

by Dennis Wheatley

Published 31 May 1996

Irish Witch

by Dennis Wheatley

Published 20 August 1973
1812 - 1814

The Hell Fire Club is being revived - by a sensuous wanton who calls herself the Irish Witch. Once more the titled of the land are being sucked into its vortex of vice and degradation. And among them is Susan, Roger Brook's young and lovely daughter.

Soon it will be Walpurgis Night. Soon a ruined castle will echo to the baying of initiates as Susan is led towards an altar - there to be ritually violated by the Priest of Satan.

Desperate Measures

by Dennis Wheatley

Published 2 September 1974
1814 - 1815

1814. The Irish Witch is dead, and Europe at peace. Roger Brook, now Lord Kildonan, is content to divide his time between his young wife, Mary, and his life-long mistress and spirit-companion, Georgina.

But as the fashionable world glitters at the Congress of Vienna, the power-hungry Napoleon is about to plunge the continent into war once more. And Mary, possessed by demonic jealousy, is hatching a plot which threatens Roger's fortune – and Georgina's life.

Reluctantly, Roger Brook must assume his old identity – as Europe's most daring secret agent.

Evil in a Mask

by Dennis Wheatley

Published August 1969

The Roger Brook Series

by Dennis Wheatley

Published 26 December 2014

The Sultan's Daughter

by Dennis Wheatley

Published 3 July 2014
Feb 1798 - 31 Dec 1799

'Had it not been for Zanthé there is little doubt that at the age of thirty-one Roger Brook would have died in Palestine.' Roger Brook, Prime Minister Pitt's most resourceful secret agent. Zanthé, exotic, loving and hating with equal intensity; daughter of the Sultan and beautiful.

Napoleon's army; victorious in Egypt but trapped by Nelson's fleet, besieging Acre, ravaged by plague. At the heart of the French counsels – Roger Brook. A vital position for England. A deadly dangerous one for him.

The Rising Storm

by Dennis Wheatley

Published 8 May 2014
Apr 1789 - Jul 1790
At Fontainebleau all seems peaceful and serene, with Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette secure on their thrones. Yet as Roger Brook arrives on a secret and vital mission for Prime Minister Pitt, the smell of blood, Revolution and Terror is already in the air.

Intrigue, violence, suspicion – this is the maelstrom into which Roger is plunged at once. But with it: love. Isabella D'Arana is beautiful, Spanish – and married. Laws and conventions must be defied if he is to have her. With his love story folding into his professional affairs, Police and agents must be outwitted if he is to achieve his secret mission.

The Wanton Princess

by Dennis Wheatley

Published 22 July 2014