The latest in the SS Wotan series, based on the mysterious disappearance of Glenn Miller on 15 December 1944 Winter 1944: Part of the plan of the Battle of the Bulge is the assassination of the Allied Supreme Commander, General Eisenhower in Paris. Skorzeny believes if he can knock out 'lke', the great Allied coalition will fall apart - so when the Germans attack, the allied defence will be without overall control. His plan is to get through to Eisenhower and murder him on Saturday 16 December 1944. During that day, he will be celebrating the award by Congress of his fifth star as a general, and he will be closely guarded in his Versailles villa. But that evening, a combo from Glenn Miller's Air Force Band will be providing the music for lke's party. It's the perfect cover for a high-profile murder. But first, Glenn Miller has to be replaced...