Animal Story Activities

by Lesley Clark

Published 18 July 1997
Using five of the most popular animal stories, this book has step-by-step activities covering every area of the curriculum for each story, including cookery and display ideas, and it contains photocopiable activity sheets. Each activity in the book is differentiated to show how it can be adapted for younger children, or extended for older children. The stories the book covers are: "The Three Little Pigs", "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", "The Little Red Hen", "The Three Billy Goats Gruff", and "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse". This text is part of a series which uses traditional stories as the inspiration for practical activities with the three to six age group. All the activities aim to provide a firm foundation for the National Curriculum and Scottish 5-14 National Guidelines, and to cover many areas of the Desirable Outcomes for under-fives.