Book 1124

Man Who Would Be King

by Linda Turner

Published 1 January 2002

Book 1423

A Younger Man

by Linda Turner

Published 27 June 2006

To Do (after High School graduation)
1. Go to college
2. Fall in love with the man of my dreams
3. Get married
4. Have two kids-one at a time!

Natalie Bailey may not have been very good with numbers, but even she knew that she wasn't exactly doing things in the conventional order. Because she'd skipped college, married early-and at age thirty-three, found herself a divorced mother of five-year-old twins...and a college freshman to boot. Not only that, but it looked like the man of her dreams had just walked in the door-except he was her younger, if irresistible, professor, Maxwell Sullivan. The last man she should be falling for, based on her plan. But you know what they say about plans....

An Unsuspecting Heart

by Linda Turner

Published 1 August 1989

Flirting With Danger

by Linda Turner

Published 1 December 1989