Autumn Wind and Other Stories

Published 1 August 1994
Spanning 60 years of 20th century Japanese literature, this anthology covers Japan's growth from a more traditional country into a distinctly modern one. Most of these stories had not been previously translated into English, opening up a vast new literary canon to Western readers. Award-winning translation Lane Dunlop introduces a cast of characters that stray beyond stereotypical images of bowing geisha and dark-suited businessmen.

The 14 stories include:

  • The Fox by Nagai Kafu
  • Flash Storm by Satomi Ton
  • One Woman and the War by Sakaguchi Ango
  • Borneo Diamond by Hayashi Fumiko
  • Invitation to Suicide by Watanabe Jun'ichi

    Lovers of fiction and students of Japan are certain to find these stories absorbing, engaging and instructive.